Board 6
Changes to the Board - Printable Version

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Changes to the Board - sTr - 07-21-2009

ok, you knew it was coming, lyrical warground is now "Old Stuff", but in doing so ! also created a new section, "Pop Culture War-Zone". Pretty much pick two similar things that are awesome, come up with a description for each and let the battle ensue.... make sure to add a poll, ! forgot to, now !'m going to edit the posts that are up now.

Pop Culture War-Zone: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewforum.php?f=6</a><!-- l -->

Re: Changes to the Board - Star - 07-21-2009

i'll look later

Re: Changes to the Board - sTr - 07-21-2009

you guys can contribute there as well, ! set that so guests can reply in that section of the board to hopefully get some more traffic, so we will also need some mods in there, at least to check every now and then for bullshit....

Re: Changes to the Board - XIII - 07-21-2009

The white background looks terrible in the Pop Culture board.

Re: Changes to the Board - sTr - 07-21-2009

will get to tuning it up, !'m gonna change a few of the buttons, will get a better static bg for the shiz too, thanks for the suggestions, ! want all suggestions ! can get....

Re: Changes to the Board - XIII - 07-21-2009

I do like the idea of making it look different from the General board. The banner makes me lol.

Re: Changes to the Board - Slacker - 07-21-2009

i miss being a pimp ass mod of the old b6 music forum with PP

make it a reality

Re: Changes to the Board - sTr - 07-22-2009

will make happen shortly, have to get more people to post first, then mad sections galore...

music would be sweet, porn would be sweet too... hmmmm, decisions decisions...

Re: Changes to the Board - Slacker - 07-22-2009

porn music forum

bom chicka wah wah

Re: Changes to the Board - sTr - 07-23-2009

-fixed the background for pop culture war-zone,,,