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Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Printable Version

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Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Insanecowposse - 07-20-2009

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ESPN Snuffs Out NSFW POA Erin Andrews Peephole Video
Posted on: July 18th, 2009Joshua Holmes

ESPN has sent a video to the blog NSFW POA after the site posted a peephole video of a nude woman in her hotel that was suspected to be sideline reporter Erin Andrews.

The video was posted yesterday without mention to ESPN or Andrews. Blogger Doug Sheckler posted the video with the title: “Hot naked blonde who looks a lot like a sports blogger favorite in her hotel room.”

ESPN wasted no time in firing a missile at Sheckler from their legal team:

I am the General Counsel of ESPN, Inc. It has come to my attention that you have posted on your site pictures of a young, blonde woman at [redacted]. These pictures were obviously taken through a peephole or otherwise in a fashion constituting a trespass/assault on the rights of the woman involved. Your continued posting of these pictures are highly likely to render you an accessory after the fact to a criminal act. We hereby demand that you (i) immediately remove these pictures from your site and (ii) disclose to us the source of the pictures. We intend to hold you fully responsible for further display of material that so obviously violates the law.

Please confirm by return e-mail that you intend to comply with these demands. In the absence of such confirmation we will assume you are an active and willing participant in these acts.

David Pahl

It seems that ESPN was convienced enough that it was the popular Erin Andrews. The video has seen been removed from the site, but thousands of men online are still trying to find the video or a cache of the site from yesterday where they can access it.

If the video was not staged and was in fact of Andrews or another unsuspecting female then it is wrong and should have never been posted. ESPN, by their actions, seems to think that it was of Andrews and did the write thing, with the letter, protecting their asset.

UPDATE: It turns out that the woman in the peephole video was in fact Erin Andrews, and her attorney has issued a statement that she will file criminal and civil charges against whoever made the video along with those who published the material as well.

“While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similary violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin’s privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities.”

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-22-2009

and thanks to dirtymonkey you can download the vid in the downloads section....

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Star - 07-22-2009

i saw this that bitch really even that hot? or is it just cool because she's famous?

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-22-2009

not sure, ! have no clue who she is....

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Insanecowposse - 07-22-2009

she is a reporter for espn i think shes hot. Not porn star hot but hot. I made a stupid youtube video just talking about it and got like 40,000 hits. People are really excited about this woman being naked.

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-23-2009

it's really just creepy, hard to watch, it seemed like the dude was close to getting caught a few times, ! would like to see how big the hole was from an eye perspective...

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

Being completely honest, I don't give a shit about seeing this video. I'm just incredibly surprised its yet to be posted in this thread.

I'm not angry at you b6, I'm just disappointed... Now go to your room.

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - TheGreenBK - 07-23-2009

sTr Wrote:and thanks to dirtymonkey you can download the vid in the downloads section....
CranialEntropy Wrote:Being completely honest, I don't give a shit about seeing this video. I'm just incredibly surprised its yet to be posted in this thread.

I'm not angry at you b6, I'm just disappointed... Now go to your room.
How more obvious was that, really?

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

Argh @ myself skimming too quickly, I was looking for a long URL

I'll hang my head in shame, but I don't see the point of having two separate threads. Its seems redundant and stupid.

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

i couldn't find the video so monkey found it and put it in the downloads. Its in 7 parts and has to be winrared or something so its not like a direct link.

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-23-2009

redundant and stupid is b6's middle name....

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

board<redundantandstupid>Six or b6 for short

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-23-2009


Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Autumn - 07-23-2009

I'd be so pissed if I was that poor girl. It's sick because you never know who could be filming you.

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-23-2009

! feel ya, !'m paranoid enough as it is, this wasn't hot to me, just freaked me out and made me not want to go to mexico....

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

what guys don't think about is what if there was someone looking at you naked and filmed you. I caught larry's gay bro trying to peep thru the window and watch me shower. Now i think about being watched everytime i go to the bathrrom it really sucks so i honestly do feel bad for her and i kinda understand the violation you feel.

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-23-2009

ew, gross... wtf!!! is he really gay.... my bro loves the cock too...

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - TheGreenBK - 07-23-2009

CranialEntropy Wrote:Argh @ myself skimming too quickly, I was looking for a long URL

I'll hang my head in shame, but I don't see the point of having two separate threads. Its seems redundant and stupid.
All is well sir

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Autumn - 07-23-2009

I always worry about that if I use a public restroom. :\ I try to avoid it.

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-23-2009

changing rooms are bad, a lot of tehm have cameras in the mirrors, especially in the mall....

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - TheGreenBK - 07-23-2009

Just play it safe and take a shit and smear it on the mirror

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - sTr - 07-23-2009

getting caught doing that would be classic....

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

I always feel like somebodies waatching meeeeeeee and i have no privacy woooah

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - dirtymonkey22 - 07-23-2009

CranialEntropy Wrote:Being completely honest, I don't give a shit about seeing this video. I'm just incredibly surprised its yet to be posted in this thread.

I'm not angry at you b6, I'm just disappointed... Now go to your room.
go to downloads its there

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

he knows he just wanted a direct link

Re: Espn hottie Erin Andrews sues over nude peephole video - Autumn - 07-23-2009

-looks through the mirrors at stores lmao I will go right up close to them and see if they're see through.