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They Fucked at work?! - Printable Version

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They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-20-2009

My boss tells me that when he went to lunch shortly after we got back from lunch he noticed that a certain male and female were missing and he went looking for them everywhere but the bathrooms<one of which is private and can be locked> he found them 1 hour after they punched out for lunch walking together. He said they were fucking and they are going thru the tapes at work to see what went down.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - sTr - 07-20-2009

baja, they're just looking for fap material....

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-20-2009

wow thats a good mental image of my manager whacking it.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - dirtymonkey22 - 07-20-2009

ivw already fuckeg with our boss about going into the cam room and wacking it he told me he goes in there for like 10 mins every few days to watch the tapes but i know

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-20-2009

Thats why theres a chair with sticky stuff on it.....

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Autumn - 07-20-2009

What kind of places do you guys work that have cameras? My job has them EVERYWHERE, but that's because I work in a pharmacy. lol

Re: They Fucked at work?! - dirtymonkey22 - 07-20-2009

we work at a sams club like every other cam u see in there works

Re: They Fucked at work?! - CranialEntropy - 07-20-2009

Autumn Wrote:What kind of places do you guys work that have cameras? My job has them EVERYWHERE, but that's because I work in a pharmacy. lol
What'cha do there?

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Autumn - 07-20-2009

I heard of people fucking at my old job, in the coolers.. and it was a slaughterhouse....!!!

I fill prescriptions. It's a mail order pharmacy, so I (thankfully) don't deal directly with people. I do just about everything a pharmacist does, except double check the order. I don't get paid even a quarter what they do, either. :(

Re: They Fucked at work?! - sTr - 07-20-2009

we had cameras, and now they're gone, ! think someone stole them, bajaj @ that if they did....

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

I drive a forklift around and stock the shelves larry does prety much the same.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

Autumn Wrote:I heard of people fucking at my old job, in the coolers.. and it was a slaughterhouse....!!!

I fill prescriptions. It's a mail order pharmacy, so I (thankfully) don't deal directly with people. I do just about everything a pharmacist does, except double check the order. I don't get paid even a quarter what they do, either. :(
Wow, I feel like the concept of a mail order pharmacy would really cut down on almost any necessity of an actual pharmacist. Its clear you should revolt, and wear their skin as gowns of pride and honor.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

wow you would make a good politician cranial

Re: They Fucked at work?! - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

Pff they never even sent me my out of state ballot for the elections. I feel so empty for having no say what so ever in the past presidential race

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

Well the election was about race all right and a lot of soldiers did not get ballots either. A bunch of Black people saying we finally got a black president shit it coulda been Mr t and they woulda voted for his ass! I know some poeple actually did go for his policies but when i asked why did you vote for barrack Obama no one could really give me a good answer just Hope and Change and all that bs. Now we are in debt the healthcare thing is failing bad and unemployement is on the rise wtf at least i got b6 and a job

Re: They Fucked at work?! - sTr - 07-23-2009

<--- voted for Nader....

Re: They Fucked at work?! - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

I'll come clean and admit I was dead set on voting for Ron Paul. For the principal and what not seeing as Obama was going to win Mass anyway. But as far as Obama and McCain goes, they're one in the same (as time as shown us) for the issues I was really concerned about. As far as economic goes, I'm not ashamed to take a step back and admit I don't know the first damn thing about what actually makes for a successful market and I have no desire to go around pretending I do.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Autumn - 07-23-2009

We have pharmacists here, silly! Prescriptions can't be sent out without their approval and inspection. Our pharmacists actually make at least 10 dollars less an hour, then pharmacists that work with the general public do.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

i make more than a pharmacist? cool.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - CranialEntropy - 07-23-2009

I believe she means they make ten dollars less than the industry standard for the usual places that deal with the public brah

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

no damn it i am rich bitch!

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Autumn - 07-23-2009

No, the pharmacists at my work, the mail order pharmacy, make 10 dollars less than what a pharmacist at, say a CVS or Walgreens, makes. Probably because they're dealing directly with customers, where our pharmacists do not.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Enigma - 07-23-2009

When I worked graveyards at walmart there was this one cashier that was a skeezy ho slut. All the other cashiers hated her cuz she was skeezy. One day she got caught having sex with the dude that stocked dairy in the garden center. He got fired cuz he was on the clock. She got a warning cuz she was on lunch.

Funny side note....she always reeked of cotton candy body spray, I guess it was her alternative to bathing...I dunno. Anyway, my friend Stephanie and I were both active juggalettes at the time and we used to call the skeezy ho slut "Cotton Stew". It still makes me chuckle thinking about it. :):):):)

Re: They Fucked at work?! - sTr - 07-23-2009

word @ body spray being an alternative to showering...

in detroit w/ the arabs they never showered... they had sand showers... pretty much no shower and just shitty dollar store cologne...

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Enigma - 07-23-2009

My ex used to do that with axe. He'd spray himself down after every cigarette and go a week without showering. Even the smell of axe now makes me wanna puke.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

so true about the arabic people out here. They own every liquor store out here and they use 10 tons of cologne and stil smell like shit. Like Sweaty Brut Cologne. ON a side note they are usually prety nice.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - sTr - 07-23-2009

they aren't nice, they just want you to buy your shit, fuck arabs... and if you're an arab on the board, let me know... so ! can ban you....

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Insanecowposse - 07-23-2009

wow damn stephan a little hardcore for a retard

Re: They Fucked at work?! - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

arabs deserve it they always smell up all the good places

Re: They Fucked at work?! - sTr - 07-25-2009

! just hate people that fuck their cousins and fuckin own everything and never give back... and use cologne instead of taking a shower....

Re: They Fucked at work?! - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

i like showers idk about u people but i can smell myself if i start to stink and its not a nice smell

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Grimlin - 07-25-2009

The fatter you are the more often you need to shower....Fat people sweat pretty badly.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

i know some really skinny people that smell like ass just cause u fat doesnt mean u sweat alot

Re: They Fucked at work?! - Grimlin - 07-25-2009

I break a sweat just standing sometimes.....

Since gaining 40 pounds i notice i stink/sweat much easier now......and i take a shower everyday.

Re: They Fucked at work?! - canttouchthis80 - 07-25-2009

i shower everyday even if i dontt smell i like to make my hair soft