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I just got out of surgery this morning - Printable Version

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I just got out of surgery this morning - Nuke-A-Loop - 07-16-2009

wooooord, Had Abdominal reconstruction surgery on my excess skin from loosing all my weight. Had a plastics surgen rip me open stretchd me tight stitched up my stretchedout ab muscles and stick two tubes in me, I was under anastetics for 3 hours came to and they said I had to piss before I could leave because i had 4 iv bags...well I couldent piss so this nurse had to grab my dick and stick a capitor up my dick hole, thank god I have a large penis I couldent imagin getting that huge tube up some dudes baby dick. It hurt like a bitch. Now im at a hotel till the morning then I go see my doc then head home for 2 weeks out of work.....miss you niqqa's hope everyone is feeling better than I am

later haters

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - Nuke-A-Loop - 07-16-2009

o yeah I got a new bellybutton too!!1111!!!!123E2!!!

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - sTr - 07-16-2009

word, didn't know you had it, but glad you all good.... numba @ new bellybutton

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - juggalogigolo - 07-16-2009

pics motherfucker

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - XIII - 07-16-2009

My cousin just had this done. He had to walk around with a bag collecting blood for like a week. It was gross.

Then the doctor said he needed to do another procedure cuz it didn't look right.

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - Nuke-A-Loop - 07-17-2009

well i got 2 drain bags and my doctor is one the best in the state. hes been a surgen forever and recently started doing plastics he actully does both and works for the hospital but I still havent seen how mine looks untill its done healing i wont. but i feel awful fucking tight. Im going back to him at 10 am. see what he thinks.

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - sTr - 07-17-2009

bajaj @ feeling tight....

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - dirtymonkey22 - 07-17-2009

i need a penis enlargment

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - sTr - 07-17-2009

! send you some more nudes later....

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - dirtymonkey22 - 07-17-2009


Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - Stoopid Dog - 07-17-2009

bajaj@best in the state but just started...

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - CranialEntropy - 07-17-2009

Holy shit, nukes a skinny fucker. Good for you mang, I'm sure you've fully explained it, but how and what pushed you to do it?

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - sTr - 07-17-2009

He went on a cock only diet...

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - Nuke-A-Loop - 07-20-2009

im still healing.......hurting......tight as huntched over like quaziemoto

Re: I just got out of surgery this morning - sTr - 07-21-2009

Oo la la @ tight....