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Follow up on most epic bank fuck up ever - Printable Version

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Follow up on most epic bank fuck up ever - Insanecowposse - 07-16-2009

Consumers Get $23 Quadrillion Credit Card Bill Because of Visa Glitch
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Print ShareThisA New Hampshire man was shocked to learn that when he purchased pack of cigarettes he also got charged $23,148,855,308,184,500, or more than $23 quadrillion — a number that rivals that of the national debt.

Josh Muszynski swiped his debit card at a gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes and a few hours later noticed the exorbitant charge when he checked his account on the Internet, WMUR-TV reported.

"I thought my card had been compromised. I thought somebody had bought Europe with my credit card," Muszynski told the station. "It was very concerning."

Muszynski told WMUR-TV that he spent two hours on the phone with Bank of America trying to sort out the string of numbers — and the $15 overdraft fee — but the company couldn't explain what exactly happened.

"She just tried to assure me that everything would be fixed, and I couldn't see something like that being fixed," Muszynski said.

Re: Follow up on most epic bank fuck up ever - CranialEntropy - 07-16-2009

I saw a news report where a guy got the charge for a pack of cigarettes. The guy then proceeded to explain how he would now be withdrawing every penny he had in the banks and would now place it in a safe in his house and sleep by it every night with his shotgun.

Re: Follow up on most epic bank fuck up ever - sTr - 07-16-2009

ha ha, fuck the banks.....

Re: Follow up on most epic bank fuck up ever - XIII - 07-16-2009

The fact that someone is allowed to charge that much and not be denied says a lot about the carelessly lenient attitude credit card companies have. It's shit like that that anally raped the world's economy.

Re: Follow up on most epic bank fuck up ever - Star - 07-16-2009

The thing is, though, we didn't charge that much. It was processed in AFTER the charge had already been posted, at least in my case. I'd checked my statement that morning and was sitting at $2.67 for Hardees, it wasn't pending anymore, either. So, it was definitely a problem with the bank. They won't even let me go over by a penny, $23 quadrillion would never happen.