Board 6
i put some psychopathic stuff on ebay - Printable Version

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i put some psychopathic stuff on ebay - dirtymonkey22 - 07-12-2009

i dont know if you want to check it out but heres the link
let some one know my car broke down and i need some money

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... %3DSelling</a><!-- m -->

Re: i put some psychopathic stuff on ebay - Paullehh - 07-12-2009

shoulda put that to ship worldwide, people overseas tend to buy up that shit at a higher price.

Re: i put some psychopathic stuff on ebay - dirtymonkey22 - 07-12-2009

i kinda have no idea what im doing its the first time i put anythig up