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Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Printable Version

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Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Insanecowposse - 07-12-2009

Nitrates linked to deaths from diabetes, Alzheimer's
(United Press International) UPDATED 2009-07-06
Nitrates found in processed foods and the environment may be responsible for increased death from diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, researchers say. The study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's, found a link between the rate of death and the rise in the use of nitrates, which are found in processed foods such as sausage, hot dogs, cheese, and bacon, and also used as fertilizer, where it can leak into ground water

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2009

mmmmmmmmmmmm bacon cheeseburgers

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - sTr - 07-12-2009

! Lead to the same thing.... does that mean !'m simular to cheesy bacon :-(

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Shiro - 07-12-2009

Pretty much, that's a good thing though.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Ms Felony - 07-12-2009

Its all a planned execution of the masses to thin out the population.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - XIII - 07-12-2009

I'd rather live 50-60 years eating good food than live 90-100 years eating soy.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - sTr - 07-12-2009

soy is the shit, it just has to been done right...

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Mike Willoughby - 07-12-2009

fred Wrote:mmmmmmmmmmmm bacon cheeseburgers


XIII Wrote:I'd rather live 50-60 years eating good food than live 90-100 years eating soy.


Ms Felony Wrote:Its all a planned execution of the masses to thin out the population.

It's not really a "planned execution" per say, but yes, our governments do (or don't do) plenty of things to help keep our population down.

Since Earth is not an infinite resource with unlimited space, but stupid people (typically parents of the mentally retarded) insist on making sure everyone lives, our governments have to be sneaky and indirectly allow thousands, or even millions, of people to die.

So, unless we get space exploration up and going again, Earth will be overpopulated within our lifetimes. Even Japan and China have encountered such issues already.

In my opinion, we need to re-institute Darwinism and only let the strongest survive.

Fuck the mentally handicapped and the "vegetables". If you have no use in society, you should be killed, or aborted in the womb.

...And naturally, Psychopathic Records would lose all of its fans.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - sTr - 07-12-2009

and themselves....

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Mike Willoughby - 07-12-2009

STRetard Wrote:and themselves....

Oh snap!

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - juggalogigolo - 07-13-2009


Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - sTr - 07-13-2009

it's true, it's damn true....

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - XIII - 07-13-2009

I've had every iteration of soy, and I just plain don't like it.

It leaves a weird, earthy aftertaste.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Alyzzia - 07-13-2009

Have you all seen idiocracy?

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - sTr - 07-13-2009

idiocracy owns, and it kinda sucks cause it seems closer and closer to the truth everyday....

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - CranialEntropy - 07-14-2009

Shut up, I need a latte, faggot.

I am in full support of a massive pandemic. I think its pretty much necessary for the human race to continue a prolongued amount of time. Another black plague, that would really be the shit. I got super excited with the H1N1 flu outbreak. But alas, it really wasn't that effective at thinning out the population, just giving us a runny nose. But I was super into following the story. I'm kind of obsessed with infectious diseases.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - sTr - 07-14-2009

! wish confiker c was for people, ! would give it to everyone, aids style.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - CranialEntropy - 07-14-2009

On a different not, I'm a huge lover of vegetarian cuisine. I think Amy's Texas Burgers are way better than 70% of actual burgers. Never the less, I am planning on eating for lunch a bomb burger from Whole Foods with portabello and swiss already in it. I almost never eat meat, but when I do I make sure its exceptionally delicious.

Re: Nitrates in bacon cheese and hot dogs lead to diabetes - Insanecowposse - 07-14-2009

Makes me want to go to that heart attack burger place