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If You could be invisible... - Printable Version

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If You could be invisible... - Insanecowposse - 07-11-2009

If you could be invisible for one day where would you go and what would you do? I'm expecting at least smart ass your mum answer here but thats ok. I'd do this for 24 hours Goatse

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-11-2009

girls locker room at bayside high....

Re: If You could be invisible... - Shiro - 07-11-2009

There would be so much rape if I were invisible.

Re: If You could be invisible... - Grimlin - 07-11-2009

Robbing banks.

Re: If You could be invisible... - Star - 07-11-2009

word @ robbing banks. Also robbing stores. If I'm going to be invisible, I'd much rather make myself and my family financially better off than watch people get naked, I can see that on the internet.

Re: If You could be invisible... - Paullehh - 07-11-2009

Thing about robbing the bank is how the fuck do you get away with a pile of floating cash bajaj,

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-11-2009

if you were invisible and you pooped, would other people see the poop?

Re: If You could be invisible... - Paullehh - 07-11-2009

#1 invisible activity is rape.

Re: If You could be invisible... - juggalogigolo - 07-11-2009

robbing banks ftw, i think someone would be so freaked out by the fact that the bags of money were FLOATING, that they wouldnt grab for the shit, and they did, you could easily dodge the fuck outta the way........

THEN rape

Re: If You could be invisible... - Shiro - 07-11-2009

And once you get home, rape the money.

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-11-2009

Noe that's the money you could be saving with geico, son....

Re: If You could be invisible... - Insanecowposse - 07-11-2009

at least you guys aren't doing something stupid like trying to kill the president.

Re: If You could be invisible... - Shiro - 07-11-2009

...Also I'd have to kill Bush, Obama seems aight though.

Re: If You could be invisible... - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2009

i wouldnt kill anyone on purpose, but im sure a few old fags would have heart attacks

Re: If You could be invisible... - Insanecowposse - 07-12-2009

bajajaja nice one fred

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-12-2009


Re: If You could be invisible... - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2009

-draws on your face

Re: If You could be invisible... - Insanecowposse - 07-12-2009

gives stephan a cleavland steamer

Re: If You could be invisible... - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2009

bajaja!!!!!!!!! would be fucking classic!!!!!!!!!1111

Re: If You could be invisible... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-13-2009

rape stephan

Re: If You could be invisible... - Insanecowposse - 07-13-2009

Fuck him thru his ear an into his brain until he's REALLY retarded <no homo>

Re: If You could be invisible... - dirtymonkey22 - 07-13-2009

really i would jerk off on peoples face wile there eating prob rape someone and scare the shit out of people

Re: If You could be invisible... - Star - 07-13-2009

jesus you guys are a bunch of sex-starved lunatics.

you can rape someone while you're fully visible and get away with it, it's a lot harder to steal cash when people can see you. and killing people is gay, why waste the time when you could be doing awesome shit like sneaking onto a plane for hawaii.

Re: If You could be invisible... - Shiro - 07-13-2009

I want to kill at least one person before I die, I'd only kill someone if I felt it was justified though.

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-13-2009

killing someone would be fun, but eating them regardless of who killed them would be the ultimate to me....

Re: If You could be invisible... - Star - 07-13-2009

Until you get some crazy disease and die from it.

Re: If You could be invisible... - Shiro - 07-13-2009

Next time someone I know has a kid I'm asking for the placenta so I can eat it.

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-13-2009

! would make sure the nigs were cooked correctly and that they aren't black...

Re: If You could be invisible... - Shiro - 07-13-2009

-Just requested that an ex ask her aunt if I can eat her(placenta). *crosses fingers*

Re: If You could be invisible... - juggalogigolo - 07-13-2009


Re: If You could be invisible... - Paullehh - 07-13-2009

-asks to eat the baby

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-13-2009

-asks to eat the mother.... 's pussy and b-hole...

Re: If You could be invisible... - Star - 07-13-2009

gross, it's supposed to be good for you because of all the nutrients, but that's still fucking sick

Re: If You could be invisible... - sTr - 07-13-2009

* barf * shit is nasty, but ! wouldn't mind super powers....

Re: If You could be invisible... - Star - 07-13-2009

more likely you'd just get sick, because the average person's diet isn't that nutrient rich, so your body would have a hard time digesting it.