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batman and robin new batman - Printable Version

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batman and robin new batman - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2009

[Image: pg0001.jpg]

Re: batman and robin new batman - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2009

dick grayson is now robin bruce is stuck 1000 years in the past and bruces son damion is robin i know bruces son his mom is talia al ghul ra's al ghul daughter if u like i will try AND Up some comics

Re: batman and robin new batman - sTr - 07-06-2009

Fuck yeah, upload all them bitxhes...

Re: batman and robin new batman - azriley2k - 07-06-2009

First of all, I was pissed by this little series of events... Batman "dies" and is going to be replaced but by who? dun-dun-dun! The obvious choice was Dick Grayson so what did DC do? they said no, is not Dick Grayson. And then the twist is it is Dick Grayson. Sorry but I found it incredibly lame.

Re: batman and robin new batman - sTr - 07-06-2009

But this is why ! Must read them... some series are epic and some are so bad that you have to give em a good read to see how it pans out....

Re: batman and robin new batman - azriley2k - 07-06-2009

Let me break it down for: Careful! Spoilers!

*GASP* Batman's Dead

<<Supervillan water fight!>>

More unknown heroes than JLA: Batman's Dead! Oh Noes! Dick, put on the Bat-Suit!

Dick: No!

Everyone else: I'll do it! <<Havoc Ensues>>

Dick: Stupid Morons!

Alfred: Put on the damn suit, Dick!

Dick: No- Well alright...

Re: batman and robin new batman - Slacker - 07-06-2009

dc is fags

marvel ftw

Re: batman and robin new batman - azriley2k - 07-06-2009

word @ dc is fags

Re: batman and robin new batman - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2009

azriley2k Wrote:word @ dc is fags

maybe you dont know shit about comics but without dc marvel would never be your talking shit about dc when dc has never done anything like the spider clone bs dc has charaters that would own most of marvel and im talking about 2nd string charaters

besides batman in these pic these guys would run a muk on marvels best Goatse
[Image: metm.png]

[Image: 43625291.png]

[Image: fefw.jpg]

Re: batman and robin new batman - dirtymonkey22 - 07-06-2009

ohh and bruce waynes not dead hes stuck in the past

Re: batman and robin new batman - Slacker - 07-06-2009

dc is still fags

Re: batman and robin new batman - dirtymonkey22 - 07-07-2009

Slacker Wrote:dc is still fags

come on marvel did some more gay shit like scarlet witch went nut and wiped out all but something like 109 mutans wtf i now my shit man hell i can name some dc shit that own marvle




the dark knight movie

superman the movie 1 &2

justice league unlimited

superman the animeted series

batman t a s

should i keep going

Re: batman and robin new batman - Slacker - 07-07-2009

civil war and age of apocalypse pwns all

ive always been a marvel fanboy

cant help it

Re: batman and robin new batman - Paullehh - 07-07-2009

You guys arguing over comic books?
sad times.

Re: batman and robin new batman - dirtymonkey22 - 07-07-2009

Slacker Wrote:civil war and age of apocalypse pwns all

ive always been a marvel fanboy

cant help it

im a dc fanboy but i do love both in my comic collection i have more spiderman then anything else but batman is my boy

now age was pretty sweet but just about anything with apocalypse is sweet and civil war lost me when spidy showed everyone who he was and then magicly something happends were nobody knows anymore come on

hell we could go back and fouth all day with think but com on the dark knight returns is one of the most talked about comics ever and lets knot forget kingdom come

Re: batman and robin new batman - sTr - 07-07-2009

dc > marvel anyday...

don't get me wrong ! can dig em both... TMNT ranks pretty high on the list of g comics...

Re: batman and robin new batman - Slacker - 07-07-2009

Paullehh Wrote:You guys arguing over comic books?
sad times.

what else is there to argue about?

comics melt faces

Re: batman and robin new batman - dirtymonkey22 - 07-07-2009

Slacker Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:You guys arguing over comic books?
sad times.

what else is there to argue about?

comics melt faces

well he melts feet he just dosent get it

Re: batman and robin new batman - azriley2k - 07-08-2009

"now age was pretty sweet but just about anything with apocalypse is sweet and civil war lost me when spidy showed everyone who he was and then magicly something happends were nobody knows anymore come on"

I will give you that one.

But tell me that DC hyping up Batman Dying just to reveal is actually back in time is not as lame if not more so.
Granted nobody stays dead long in comics but they could have dragged it out a little bit longer to give the slight impression that maybe, just maybe he wouldn't be coming back.

Re: batman and robin new batman - Slacker - 07-10-2009

Batman loves teh cock

Re: batman and robin new batman - sTr - 07-10-2009

Slacker Wrote:Batman loves teh cock

and balls....

Re: batman and robin new batman - Slacker - 07-10-2009


he's also mad about the pussy