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Fuckin aye! - Printable Version

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Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-22-2009

This place is awful boring when nobody else is around.

I had to work today, while all you assholes were here b6'ing it up and having a party without me. I did text those of you whose contact info I do have. It killed the battery on my phone. Some of you did write me back, so thank you.

I'm about ready for bed. Sayonara!

Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-22-2009

sorry, ! wasn't here to party it up with you... ! should be here when you get back on, and ! expect posting galore... damnit...

Re: Fuckin aye! - Star - 06-22-2009

I never have my phone on fact, I have no idea where my cell phone is atm, I guess I should go find it.

Re: Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-23-2009

I text people while I'm at work, and my phone dies by the end of the night! lmao

Re: Fuckin aye! - juggalogigolo - 06-23-2009

my phone is shitty and the battery is always dying

Re: Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-23-2009

I pulled an Alyssha and dropped mine in the tub a few months ago, and it's pretty much been fucked ever since. I couldn't get a new one because it was caused by water damage, so I may take it back and tell them there's something wrong with it.

Re: Fuckin aye! - juggalogigolo - 06-23-2009

lol they can check it out and tell its water damage

Re: Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-23-2009

That's so gayyy, even if it's been months??

Re: Fuckin aye! - juggalogigolo - 06-23-2009

yea, prolly

Re: Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-23-2009

Stupid water being bad for the phone. Fuck.

Re: Fuckin aye! - juggalogigolo - 06-23-2009


Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-24-2009

! had some lady call yesterday at work, and she was like...

"! have a sad story for you, ! was washing the dishes and ! dropped my remote in the sink. ! got it out in less then 5 seconds, but the screen still went dead"


"! have a sad story for you. Since you mentioned to me that YOU dropped the remote into the sink there is not much ! can do"

! did on the other hand tell her to take it back to best buy, but she's prolly too dumb to not mention it to them....

! really wanted to tell her that the 5 second rule doesn't apply to technology and water...

Re: Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-24-2009

ahaha. I knew it was bound to happen to me someday. I'm always dropping my poor phone, and it was fine when I had Nextel. Their phones are military grade, so they're extremely durable.

Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-24-2009

hell yeah, nextel phones were hardcore before sprint, and slowly declined after sprint...

Re: Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-24-2009

I fucking HATE Sprint with a passion. A deadly passion. That's who I have now, and I'm switching in March when my contract expires. I'm not sure what company I'm switching to, though.

Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-24-2009

my mom has had sprint for years, and whatever phone she has, she cannot make calls inside any building.. ! told her to get rid of that bullshit, yet 5 years and still no inside calls...

Re: Fuckin aye! - crys - 06-24-2009

Sprint is awful, I had them for years and finally got rid of them last year, I miss my awesome phone, but not them at all. Autumn you want to buy my old phone? it's really pretty and makes cool noises

I have Alltel now, the only reason I have them is because they specialize in middle of nowhere, except for my fucking house, if I lived 100 yards to the left or right of where I do I would have full service, instead I have none and my phone has to be positioned just right to get calls

Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-24-2009

T-Mobile has never let me down... yet... * knocks on fake wood * you never know with these damn companies...

Re: Fuckin aye! - Autumn - 06-24-2009

I'm getting rid of Sprint when my contract runs up in March. But word @ pretty phone with cool noises lmao

Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-24-2009

! always have my phone on silent, ringers are annoying...

Re: Fuckin aye! - Grimlin - 06-24-2009

Next time you drop your phone in the water,don't attempt to turn it on,instead take the battery out immediately and fill a bowl with dry rice a put your phone in the rice bowl for 1-3 days.It'll soak and dry all the water.

The damage comes when people try to turn on their phones while it's still wet.

Re: Fuckin aye! - Star - 06-24-2009

word, i've dropped my phone in puddles/bathtubs/sinks. i leave it off for a few days with the battery out, and it's fine again.

Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-24-2009

that's what ! would have told her, but the first thing she did was put it in her charger while it was wet and left it on overnight... dummy...

Re: Fuckin aye! - Star - 06-24-2009

yeah, i did that to the first phone i dropped in the water, and learned the hard way not to turn the phone on for a few days...but phones, or at least the kind i buy, won't even come on when they're wet.

Re: Fuckin aye! - sTr - 06-24-2009

phones and water = the lose...

water is ghey...