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Who Would You Kill - Printable Version

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Who Would You Kill - sTr - 06-09-2009

If you had to kill someone, who would it be?

for me, it would have to be king koopa, !'m tired of him stealing the princess....

Re: Who Would You Kill - Paullehh - 06-09-2009

Osama bin laden, make a career outa that shit.

Re: Who Would You Kill - sTr - 06-09-2009

didn't think about that, bet it would be a nice payday....

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-09-2009

[Image: 080327-tdyft_morgan.widec.jpg]

Re: Who Would You Kill - sTr - 06-09-2009

Slacker Wrote:[Image: 080327-tdyft_morgan.widec.jpg]

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-09-2009

piers morgan

hes a fucking asshole

Re: Who Would You Kill - sTr - 06-09-2009

fuckin faggot... !'ll spit on him if ! ever run into that bitch...

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-09-2009

also these two

[Image: 1_61_hilton_perez_and_paris.jpg]

Re: Who Would You Kill - Ms Felony - 06-09-2009

Slacker Wrote:piers morgan

hes a fucking asshole

aren't they all

who would I kill, so many to choose from....Probably this fucker right here.
start at the top and work down.
[Image: kissinger.jpg]

Re: Who Would You Kill - azriley2k - 06-09-2009

Slacker Wrote:also these two

[Image: 1_61_hilton_perez_and_paris.jpg]

I second that... Just another shining example that you don't have to be poor to be poor white trash...

Also Mac Users... all of them

Note: If you are reading this on a Mac, you have two options: 1) run and hide or 2) buy a real computer and not something found at the bottom of a box of lucky charms

Re: Who Would You Kill - Alyzzia - 06-09-2009

I agree with the Bin Laden thing because you'd be a world hero.

Then probably Kim Jung Il or however you spell it.

Then these guys:

Then [Image: 09mar13nickleback.jpg]

Re: Who Would You Kill - juggalogigolo - 06-09-2009


Re: Who Would You Kill - John the Juggalo - 06-09-2009

this guy...

[Image: b6balla.gif]

Re: Who Would You Kill - Keezie - 06-09-2009

[Image: jesus111007_468x591.jpg]

Re: Who Would You Kill - sTr - 06-09-2009

that would own to kill the j man...

Re: Who Would You Kill - Alyzzia - 06-09-2009

It wouldn't be the first time :)

Re: Who Would You Kill - sTr - 06-09-2009


Re: Who Would You Kill - tdot - 06-09-2009

the crazy cat lady on my street that calls her cat inside everynight at 11:15


Re: Who Would You Kill - Alyzzia - 06-09-2009

11:15 exactly? ahahah

Re: Who Would You Kill - tdot - 06-09-2009

haha yea without fail everyday at that time

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-09-2009

fuck that bitch

Re: Who Would You Kill - Alyzzia - 06-09-2009

You should record it.

I used to have these retarded neighbors who would ride their lawnmower by my house every day at 8:15 am and then again at 5:35 pm. I wonder if I still have that video somewhere...

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-09-2009


Re: Who Would You Kill - tdot - 06-09-2009

lmao. its like this faint yelling i hear from my bedroom, imagine waking up everynight at that time to "WILLLOW, WILLLLOW!, WILLLLLLLOOOOWWW!"

Re: Who Would You Kill - sTr - 06-09-2009

Slacker Wrote:-can always hear my neighbors getting their sex on without fail every wednesday night between 12-1am

you should leave a note on thier door telling them to stop being so predictable with the day and time and winky eye...

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-09-2009

dear neighbors,

Re: Who Would You Kill - Alyzzia - 06-09-2009

Slacker Wrote:dear neighbors,

please could you vary the date and frequency of your coitus?
I am getting bored of rubbing my balls on the wall EVERY wednesday 12-1am

try a friday morning or something




Yes they need to spice it up some, married couples who plan sex days don't usually do very well :P Part of the fun of sex is spontaneity.

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-09-2009

theres a thin line between being spontaneous and being a rapist

Re: Who Would You Kill - juggalogigolo - 06-09-2009

very fine

Re: Who Would You Kill - Autumn - 06-10-2009

Holy fuck.

I'd start with Michael Vick, that pussy ass nigger.

Re: Who Would You Kill - Slacker - 06-10-2009

fuck him

Re: Who Would You Kill - BiggGameJames - 08-01-2012

The Miz and when ill do it be so Awesome!!

Re: Who Would You Kill - Star - 08-01-2012

I guess if I had to kill someone, I'd probably kill myself because I don't think I could actually kill another person. I'm lame, I know.

Side note- WHY THE FUCK did someone not tell me Ms. Felony is back?

Re: Who Would You Kill - sTr - 08-01-2012

This threads from 09

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Who Would You Kill - Star - 08-01-2012

God damn it, I normally notice that shit. And now I'm moderately broken hearted. Or at least slightly bruised.