Board 6
One thing i just have to say... - Printable Version

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One thing i just have to say... - John the Juggalo - 06-03-2009 my home, we're intimate like a man and me, hold me, squeeze me..make love to me, ye' sweet sweet site.

Re: One thing i just have to say... - John the Juggalo - 06-03-2009

bajaja, rick rolled..text style..b6 BABY..SHIT!

Re: One thing i just have to say... - sTr - 06-03-2009

damn ! rick rolled myself, ! tried to edit my post because ! spelled desert wrong and ! hit delete instead of edit, but here we go again...

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Re: One thing i just have to say... - John the Juggalo - 06-03-2009

bajaja, rick roll'd yourself..thats like the equivalent to peeing on the way, my grammar is terrible..if anybody has a problem with that later on..shit, tell me..i'll work on it.

Re: One thing i just have to say... - sTr - 06-03-2009

grammer is for grannies...

Re: One thing i just have to say... - John the Juggalo - 06-03-2009

I got alot of love for grannies though, not in a do the dirty type of way. Im not a sicko, but in the "They're good ladies so i have alot of respect for them" kind of way.

Re: One thing i just have to say... - juggalogigolo - 06-04-2009

mmm grannies

Re: One thing i just have to say... - sTr - 06-04-2009

fred Wrote:mmm grannies

that's what !'m sayin...

Re: One thing i just have to say... - juggalogigolo - 06-04-2009

<---- I love only men lyfe

Re: One thing i just have to say... - John the Juggalo - 06-04-2009

hell no, no grannies here son..i like my womaners nice and slim with tight skin on they bones..grannies is fat and thanks.

Re: One thing i just have to say... - sTr - 06-04-2009

! Like my women with me inside of them....

Re: One thing i just have to say... - juggalogigolo - 06-04-2009

<---- I love only men

Re: One thing i just have to say... - sTr - 06-04-2009


Re: One thing i just have to say... - juggalogigolo - 06-04-2009


Re: One thing i just have to say... - John the Juggalo - 06-04-2009


Re: One thing i just have to say... - sTr - 06-04-2009


Re: One thing i just have to say... - John the Juggalo - 06-04-2009

bajaj, that was good..Illmatic.

Re: One thing i just have to say... - Paullehh - 12-17-2011

Bumping the oldest topic FTW!