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Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - Printable Version

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Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - dirtymonkey22 - 01-06-2013

Quote:I don't know why I ever let Stephan in the band. He couldn't rap. His websites suck. He was an all around shitty person. He smelled bad. I got so much shit from people around me for that. What an Embarrassment.

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - insane - 01-06-2013

I responded with this
Steven Michael St.Amand He is my Friend for a long time now, The people on his websites are also his friends and way after the fact you really have no reason to be talking shit.

wow more shit they said
Check out the last Bag of Hammers Christmas song before me and Kevin stopped talking. Stephan the Retard wasn't on it because he didn't show up to practice. He was kicked out a week later.
3 people like this.
Jay Megafone ya fuck that guy
17 hours ago · Like
Robin Chichester note: i stopped hangin out with yall when you did. he was a joke
17 hours ago · Like
Robin Chichester a bad unlaughable joke
17 hours ago · Like
Did you fuck one of the guys GF's or something? why the grudge?

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - juggalogigolo - 01-06-2013

lame stephan is the bimb

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - Enigma - 01-06-2013

they're just sad they suck without him.

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - dirtymonkey22 - 01-07-2013

They sucked with hom

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - sTr - 01-07-2013

davey hates both kevin (flyhead) and !.... this is wonderful though

Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - The Professa - 01-07-2013

Wow. He must be salty about something if he's still upset after so much times passed.. That or he's going about seeking closure in the wrong way... Maybe he's just a punk, who knows.

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - dirtymonkey22 - 01-10-2013

He's still posting about it man Str did you use teeth

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - sTr - 01-10-2013

use teeth?

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - Paullehh - 01-10-2013

Implying you must have given the guy a bad blowjob.

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - dirtymonkey22 - 01-10-2013

(01-10-2013, 12:14 PM)Paullehh Wrote:  Implying you must have given the guy a bad blowjob.

thank you for clearing that up for him

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - Stoopid Dog - 01-10-2013

i had some fun with it. im bored now.

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - Paullehh - 01-10-2013

Ahh balls, i missed you trolling him.
I made a post too. He deleted everything lol.

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - juggalogigolo - 01-10-2013


RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - dirtymonkey22 - 01-11-2013

Quote:Stephan, you are a pussy, a faggot and a bitch. You were always those things and you will always be those things. You're a talentless loser and an embarrassment to Bag of Hammers. Fuck you.

wow a week later really what did you do to this guy fuck his mom Impregnate his girl

RE: Bag of Hammers Badmouthing STR on FB - insane - 01-11-2013

Bag of Hammers (Official Fanclub) I have all the reason I need. What are you, his boyfriend? I can do what I want, when I want. Nothing I said is a lie. If you don't like it, eat a dick.
January 6 at 11:15am · Like
Bag of Hammers (Official Fanclub) I just found out about something shitty that he did to me. Plus, he stole from me. Without me, he wouldn't have had a fraction of the opportunities he had. He uses people. He showed his true colors a long time ago and I let him slide. He knows what I'm talking about but he's too scared to face me.
January 6 at 11:59am · Like
my response
Steven Michael St.Amand Judging by the way you responded to a stranger sticking up for his friend it would appear that you are the asshole. You don't even know me but you calling me gay and telling me to eat a dick, maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror and realize your not a very good person. It was your decision to let him in and your decision to let him out, he was doing stuff before bag of hammers and he is doing stuff after. He doesn't want to face you because that stuff is buried in the past and he let it go, just like you should. Ps Grow up stop talking like an internet tough guy. Oh and your music sucks just saying.
about a minute ago · Like
we should keep this going