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Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - insane - 12-15-2012

Who could look and a child and just fire away and not feel anything?

Newtown, Connecticut (CNN) -- Dressed in black fatigues and a military vest, a heavily armed man walked into a Connecticut elementary school Friday and opened fire, shattering the quiet of this southern New England town and leaving the nation reeling at the number of young lives lost.

Within minutes, 26 people were dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School -- 20 of them children. Among the six adults killed were Dawn Hochsprung, the school's beloved principal, and school psychologist Mary Sherlach.

The shooter, identified by three law enforcement officials as 20-year-old Adam Lanza, also was killed, apparently by his own hand. Separately, his mother's body was found at a Newtown residence.

"Stuff like this does not happen in Newtown," a tight-knit community of about 27,000 just outside Danbury, said Renee Burn, a local teacher at another school in town. In the past 10 years, only one homicide had previously been reported.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Ms Felony - 12-17-2012

BREAKING NEWS: Sandy Hook accused shooter's father and Colorado Batman movie theater shooter's father both linked to the CENTRAL (FED) BANK controlled LIBOR (Lo
ndon Inter-Bank Offered Rate) SCANDAL? I'm working on trying to locate house and senate hearing notes to verify.. but even without confirmation of them both being schedule to testify, there is way too much coincidence just with the two father's professions ... And factor in some of the most pathetic attempts of journalism I've ever witnessed on both of these events with convoluted accounts and totally bogus reporting. For example there was reported three guns at the Sandy Hook shooting, and for 40 some hours two guns were in the school used in the shootings, but the automatic rifle was left in the suspect's mother's car.. Mid day yesterday that same rifle was magically now NOT in the mother's car but in the school and was the primary weapon the supposed shooter used. Blood Amazing reporting, and how convent that now this all fit's perfectly with their automatic weapons band push !! .

The father of Newtown Connecticut accused school shooter Adam Lanza is Peter Lanza who is a VP and Tax Director at GE Financial (one of the many corporations owned and controlled by the CENTRAL (FED) BANKERS). The father of Aurora Colorado Batman movie theater accused shooter James Holmes is Robert Holmes, the lead fraud scientist for the credit score company FICO which works with all major banks, and is directly connected to the function of London Inter-Bank Offered Rate.. (LIBOR).

According to numerous sources (still working on House and Senate verification) both men were to testify before the US House and Senate hearings related to the ongoing LIBOR scandal. The London Inter-Bank Offered Rate is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other. 16 international CENTRAL (FED) BANK owned banks have been implicated in this ongoing scandal, accused of rigging contracts worth trillions of dollars. HSBC, a multinational banking and financial services company also owned by CENTRAL (FED) BANKERS, headquartered in London, has already been fined $1.9 billion and three of their low level traders arrested related to this LIBOR scandal.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Cyrus - 12-19-2012

No one gives a fuck, much worse has happened outside the usa. Dumb American piece of shit

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... age_crisis</a><!-- m -->

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Paullehh - 12-19-2012

Cyrus Wrote:No one gives a fuck, much worse has happened outside the usa. Dumb American piece of shit

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... age_crisis</a><!-- m -->" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Oh well, if worse has happened then that must make this ok..

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Cyrus - 12-19-2012

Did I say that? Americans are fucking brain dead, it's only the end of the world when it happens in the usa.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - insane - 12-19-2012

We Americans seem to care what the media tells us to care about. I think it was horrible. I think people dying of starvation and aids in other countries is also horrible as well as the military drones taking out innocents and even killing elephants for their ivory. Fucked up shit happens all the time all over the world but if its in america and we are american maybe we feel like we can do something to make it better a little easier than overseas.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Ms Felony - 12-19-2012

Considering this was a planned false flag operation just so they can bring in a new auto gun ban.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Paullehh - 12-19-2012

Bring in a gun ban.
I don't think your average American should be allowed to use sharp scissors without supervision. Let alone a gun.. :P

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - juggalogigolo - 12-19-2012

im very handy with sharp scissors thank you very much

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Cyrus - 12-20-2012

Ms Felony Wrote:Considering this was a planned false flag operation just so they can bring in a new auto gun ban.

alex jones called, he wants his peanut sized brain back.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Ms Felony - 12-20-2012

Cyrus, I suggest you check out the facts, oh wait you can't cause it's allready been covered up now

I like how you're trying to make me out to be a conspiracy nut, well, I'm not and far from it thank you.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Cyrus - 12-20-2012

That's what they all say. Your tinfoil hat is showing.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Ms Felony - 12-20-2012

oh stfu Cyrus you fking idiot.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Cyrus - 12-20-2012

There is no need to be upset.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Ms Felony - 12-20-2012

I'm not upset.

I wasn't even angry when I typed that last sentence, more fed up to be dealing with yet another
small minded fkwit who points fingers and makes assumptions.

if you want to carry on your path of destruction go right ahead, you're only gonna make yourself look stupid.

I suggest you go read a few news articles about the coming gun ban, pages and pages on google about it fktard.

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - OddBallFreak - 12-20-2012

fred Wrote:im very handy with sharp scissors thank you very much

*Insert hand bloody from a pointy fork image*

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Ms Felony - 12-20-2012

fuck it

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - juggalogigolo - 12-20-2012

OddBallFreak Wrote:
fred Wrote:im very handy with sharp scissors thank you very much

*Insert hand bloody from a pointy fork image*

bajaja, good times

Re: Kindergardeners beings gunned down wtf is the world coming 2 - Cyrus - 12-21-2012

Ms Felony Wrote:I'm not upset.

I wasn't even angry when I typed that last sentence, more fed up to be dealing with yet another
small minded fkwit who points fingers and makes assumptions.

if you want to carry on your path of destruction go right ahead, you're only gonna make yourself look stupid.

I suggest you go read a few news articles about the coming gun ban, pages and pages on google about it fktard.

You seem pretty upset to me.