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I voted, Did you? - Printable Version

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I voted, Did you? - insane - 11-06-2012

I was number 118 and I filled in the ballots that I didn't care about with coctapus.

Re: I voted, Did you? - 911wasaninsidejoke - 11-06-2012

I drove up to the polls this morning and on the drive up there i realized that I had no fucking clue who i was going to vote for. I follow the news and try to keep up with current events whenever i can. So its not like i'm some ignorant inbred who doesn't even know who the candidates are. But when it came time to actually vote and fill in my answer on that piece of paper i realized that neither Obama or Romney are really great choices. Romney is just an unsympathetic wallstreet insider and Obama is just an opportunist who hasn't claimed any success in the last 4 years other than killing Bin Laden. I see the recession as the only thing that matters right now. The way i see it, the recession has pretty much been on hold since when it first happened 4 years ago under the Bush Administration. I just can't see another 4 years with Obama being anymore productive. Mitt Romney may turn out to be just as awful if he gets elected, but I'd rather give him a chance than to waste another 4 years with something that clearly hasn't been working.

Re: I voted, Did you? - insane - 11-06-2012

Good for you on trying to make an educated vote instead of just voting all republican or all democrat I hate that shit.

Re: I voted, Did you? - 911wasaninsidejoke - 11-06-2012

i also live in an VERY liberal state. so anyone who votes republican might as well just stay home. I also had that to consider.

I voted, Did you? - The Professa - 11-06-2012

I voted.
I read all the crap on the candidates websites, did my own fact checking. Looked at the history of what they did and compared that to what they said they'd do in the past. I caught part of the last two debates. I didn't really watch much news shit cause, well, I don't really watch the news in general.
It's funny cause initially I was thinking its all pointless cause neither is good. Then once I started watching them speak I noticed that its the first time I've ever seen a presidential candidate who doesn't appear to care about the country- in the past it was always apparent that the candidates both cared about the country and had different views on what's best for the country. This time there was a candidate who just, IMO, doesn't show any love or care of the country. As ghey as that sounds, and yeah they're all politicians at the end of the day, I think the president should at least seem like he cares about the country. Anyways, that's when I got interested in the election. I've never read and researched for an election before like I did this year.

Re: I voted, Did you? - holagatita - 11-06-2012

I'm an issues voter, usually. And while there are issues I feel strongly about(healthcare, abortion/contraception) that drive me to the polls, this time I just didn't give a fuck. Affordable Care Act isn't strong enough, we need Universal Healthcare like the UK and Canada, etc. It just isn't going to happen in this country. As far as women's issues, right wingers may spout some bullshit, but in reality they aren't going to stop women from procuring birth control or abortions. So I said fuck it this year. I have been passionate in the past when it comes to politics, but I find the less I pay attention, the better. Some people may hate me for that, but oh well. My name changed on my license from the last time I voted, and so it doesn't match my voter registration. I could have stood in line for hours to fix that, since the online way to update it wasn't working, but I just said forget it, I'm not voting. Maybe if there were any referendums or issues to vote for here, I might have been arsed to give a fuck