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I fear for our future - Printable Version

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I fear for our future - insane - 10-17-2012

here is the clip from idiocracy as mentioned in the "what pisses you off?" thread

Re: I fear for our future - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-17-2012

Just for the record, everyone has this "I'm smarter than everyone else" attitude. Like, when you pass someone on the street, they are looking at you thinking "That guy is a useless piece of trash, I hope he doesn't reproduce." If you make a mistake or do something wrong, they're thinking "See? Look at how much of a failure he is."

Stop doing it to other people.

Re: I fear for our future - juggalogigolo - 10-17-2012

except 99 percent of the time its not true. i really AM smarter than the vast majority of the people around me. ive taken actual IQ tests and scored way above average, im just lazy and lack the motivation to do anything productive with my knowledge.

Re: I fear for our future - Stoopid Dog - 10-17-2012

fred Wrote:except 99 percent of the time its not true. i really AM smarter than the vast majority of the people around me. ive taken actual IQ tests and scored way above average, im just lazy and lack the motivation to do anything productive with my knowledge.

Re: I fear for our future - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-17-2012

Yeah, that's kind of what everyone says, guys. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me.

Tell you what. I'm not lying about this, but you probably will accuse me of it...

I also score way above average in intelligence tests. I've taken college-level classes since I was a sophomore in high school, graduated from a top university in the top 5% GPA.

But you all think I'm stupid as hell, and you think when I question you all it's because I'm ignorant. It's all well and good, I'm not here to impress you all, I'm just saying that everyone has this attitude that they're so fucking smart, but it's just... the advancement of the human species. Our brains are better now than they were in the 1800's. So, you can't take these antiquated tests to prove it.

Let me guess, you all have above average dick sizes too, right?

The internet is just so full of hot catches.

Drunk Bum

Re: I fear for our future - Autumn - 10-17-2012

I don't think I'm smarter than everyone.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: I fear for our future - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-17-2012

Exceptions vs. rules.... again.

Re: I fear for our future - N-Do - 10-17-2012

My cock is ttiny.... duuhhh derp

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: I fear for our future - sTr - 10-17-2012


Re: I fear for our future - insane - 10-18-2012

What is your point Lucky? The question is are stupid people breeding more than not stupid people. If you don't believe in actual stupid people and that we are all just elitist thinking we are smarter than watch people of wal-mart on youtube. My point is not that I am smarter but that people who make terrible decisions and have terrible morals and no time or money to raise their kids are having a lot of kids. You consider yourself very smart %5 percent highest GPA right? So how many kids do you have? How many kids does Octomom have? That is my point.

I fear for our future - The Professa - 10-18-2012

insane Wrote:The question is are stupid people breeding more than not stupid people.


But idk if stupid is the right word, though it certainly applies to many.

Re: I fear for our future - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-19-2012

insane Wrote:If you don't believe in actual stupid people and that we are all just elitist thinking we are smarter...
Hey, whoa whoa whoa... you totally botched the meaning of my post.

My point is that everyone's fucking stupid.

Re: I fear for our future - juggalogigolo - 10-20-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Yeah, that's kind of what everyone says, guys. I'm sorry you had to hear it from me.

Tell you what. I'm not lying about this, but you probably will accuse me of it...

I also score way above average in intelligence tests. I've taken college-level classes since I was a sophomore in high school, graduated from a top university in the top 5% GPA.

But you all think I'm stupid as hell, and you think when I question you all it's because I'm ignorant. It's all well and good, I'm not here to impress you all, I'm just saying that everyone has this attitude that they're so fucking smart, but it's just... the advancement of the human species. Our brains are better now than they were in the 1800's. So, you can't take these antiquated tests to prove it.

Let me guess, you all have above average dick sizes too, right?

The internet is just so full of hot catches.

Drunk Bum

that might be what everyone SAYS, but its obvious, at least to me, as to who it actually applies to. i dont remember ever calling you stupid, and could tell right off the bat that you were smarter than most, just by reading your posts. same with the professor. ive also been told this by my coworkers who were obviously smarter than the average moron.... its not hard for smart people to pick each other out of a crowd once people actually start talking.

Re: I fear for our future - OddBallFreak - 10-20-2012

I personally find it fascinating how the degree of intelligence varies among person to person. There are people out there that can conceptualize and understand things that I couldn't even begin to try and comprehend, and then there's people on the other side of the spectrum where I wonder how they could be so ridiculously unintelligent.

Re: I fear for our future - Ms Felony - 10-25-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:My point is that everyone's fucking stupid.

Drunk Bum