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Confessions and random weird thoughts - Printable Version

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Confessions and random weird thoughts - insane - 10-01-2012

Every time when my mom would say we need to talk I was scared that she caught me masturbating.
One time I went to a strip club and got a picture with 2 strippers sitting on my lap naked My mom found it in my wallet.
I wonder every time I see a prostate add if something is wrong with mine and I ask myself things like do I shoot my load as far as I used to or do I have to push when I pee or do I pee too often.
When I was 18 a recruiter signed me up for the military and they gave us an A.I.D.S test. The recruiter said they would call if you had A.I.D.S and if they didn't call then you didn't have A.I.D.S I was terrified every time the phone rang for the next week
I lost my virginity to a woman who was 7 and a half months pregnant in a Kmart bathroom while on the clock and very drunk. I bent her over the toilet in the women's stall and didn't find out until I had moved from California to Michigan when she told me online.
I was told once if you really love a woman you cannot mentally imagine her taking a shit. I have pictured so many women taking a shit thanks to that asshole.

Re: Confessions and random weird thoughts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-01-2012

I have medieval weapons in the trunk of my car, just in case I lose my mind, I can brutally murder people.

Re: Confessions and random weird thoughts - Stoopid Dog - 10-02-2012

I wanna be like the guy on Fox News that wants to off himself. /emo

Re: Confessions and random weird thoughts - insane - 10-02-2012

They showed the whole thing and the guy was saying cut it off.

Re: Confessions and random weird thoughts - Ms Felony - 10-02-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:I have medieval weapons in the trunk of my car, just in case I lose my mind, I can brutally murder people.

no good in your car.

what if some psycho breaks into your car takes your weapons and proceeds to kick your door in to murder you.

Confessions and random weird thoughts - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-02-2012

I drive forward, then backwards....?

Re: Confessions and random weird thoughts - Stoopid Dog - 10-02-2012

Sounds like Russians.

Re: Confessions and random weird thoughts - insane - 10-02-2012

Seems unlikely that some guy breaking into a car wants to murder someone, let alone break into their trunk. Most people would either steal the car or the radio and maybe the wheels but you never here of a car thief wasting their time trying to get into a trunk and then killing someone that is as unbelievable and a picture f some loose dirt and claiming you buried someone there yeah I am calling bullshit on that.

Re: Confessions and random weird thoughts - Ms Felony - 10-02-2012

ok you got me on that one....