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It's October - sTr - 10-01-2012

one of the best months, time to decorate the house....

Re: It's October - OddBallFreak - 10-01-2012

word @ one of the best months.. I love October

Re: It's October - holagatita - 10-01-2012

fuck yes, I love October. it's almost time to carve up some pumpkins. I'm gonna be Leeloo Dallas, Fred's gonna be Dr. Rockso, but we haven't figured out where we are wearing said costumes yet. Also the 20th is the Broad Ripple Zombie Walk, and that will be funtimes as well.

Re: It's October - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-01-2012

Let's not forget the 15th is my birthday, despite this website insisting that it's the 14th.

Re: It's October - juggalogigolo - 10-01-2012

october : best month evar

Re: It's October - dirtymonkey22 - 10-06-2012

My boss is being a dick about letting me have Halloween Off I put in a request on sept 4th and he rejected it because of lack of coverage (B.S) only other person who asked for it off is the 62 year old guy who only passes out candy. I Have kids its B.S me and steve are the only ones on the crew with small children and should get it off.
He's like you'll be done Taking them out way before you have to be here, I told him thats not the Point I have school stuff to go to for the boys that day as well and I Won't get much sleep if any that day.
So I put in another request for Halloween off He rejected it, so I put in another one If he schedules me I'm calling
off regardless I get sleep or not

Re: It's October - insane - 10-06-2012

I might have that day off because Wednesday is my normal day off. I can switch with you or we could maybe take the kids out with the kids over here and maybe have a few drinks or some food hang out a little bit.

Re: It's October - dirtymonkey22 - 10-06-2012

Chris Is just being a dick about it Because its heather's off day

Re: It's October - Enigma - 10-06-2012

working for walmart sucks balls mang. i'm sorry to hear dude's being a douche. i'd definitely call off if all of my requests are rejected like that. esp bc submitting so many should show that you're serious about having that day off. but be careful they don't write you up or put you on a final. they're asshats like that.

Re: It's October - dirtymonkey22 - 10-07-2012

I GUESS He's been being a ass about a lot of peoples Requested days off not just me, Ive talked to 3 other people he's denied days for

I'm not worried about calling in, I very rarely call in any way and I'm always at work before they count it as a tardy
so I'm good. I feel like I never call In and I do a good job unlike Half the crew at least give me the Days off I ask for especially a day like Halloween when I'm doing shit with my kids. I request the days so I don't have to call off

Re: It's October - LuckyNumbrXIII - 10-07-2012

Wal Mart middle management purposely does shit like that to have a psychological chokehold on you. Fuck them, your kids are more important, and if they fire you for calling in on ONE day, you can probably retaliate legally.

Re: It's October - dirtymonkey22 - 10-08-2012

fucker Finally approved it HA !!

Re: It's October - Ms Felony - 10-08-2012

nice one dude

Re: It's October - dirtymonkey22 - 10-08-2012

It really sucks because My boss Overnights Is new to the company, He managed a Quizno's before and Every one thinks Are team Lead is better then she is But since She's moved up I'm showing her how to do alot of things around the store, Its bad to the point that the day managers asked for me to work in are seasonal area because my manager and team lead kept fucking it up

Re: It's October - Enigma - 10-08-2012

i'm glad you got the night off. showing persistence, they probably knew if they didn't approve it, you would stay off anyway. and word at their psychological bullshit. those that work hard and have the best attendance are always fucked around like that.

it's weird, i got moved to a new team and i keep asking my coach what my attendance is, so i know if i can afford to miss a few days, and he can't find out. the coach i had before couldn't find out either. but when my last team was split up all my past teammates got written up for their absences like the first day. i know my attendance is good...but it would be nice to know exactly where i stand on it.

Re: It's October - dirtymonkey22 - 10-09-2012

I know mine is good Because 1 walmart/samsclub has a 15 min window before your marked as tardy and 2 last time I called in I had a Doctors note and that was in may