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What Crimes have you committed - Printable Version

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What Crimes have you committed - insane - 09-26-2012

I know we have a few bad-asses in here so let's here it even the ones you got away with.
Assault and battery
Breaking and entering
drinking underage
buying alcohol and cigarettes for minors
Drunk driving <not proud of that>
Hiring a prostitute<what only 4 times and I only fucked 2 of those times>
Sorta rape <she was really drunk but she probably woulda let me hit that sober>
I guess that's all for now *fluffluvscock*

Re: What Crimes have you committed - Stoopid Dog - 09-26-2012

Commited or caught?

Re: What Crimes have you committed - insane - 09-26-2012


Re: What Crimes have you committed - Stoopid Dog - 09-26-2012

anything and everything drug related from cooking, selling and what not
b &e
armed robbery
agg assualt and any variation of
driving infractions OUT THE ASS
cc fraud
check fraud
home invasion
anything "theft" related

just aboot everything. few things wont be mentioned. statue of limitations has not happened on some.

Re: What Crimes have you committed - dirtymonkey22 - 09-26-2012

莟莟莟 Wrote:anything and everything drug related from cooking, selling and what not
b &e
armed robbery
agg assualt and any variation of
driving infractions OUT THE ASS
cc fraud
check fraud
home invasion
anything "theft" related

just aboot everything. few things wont be mentioned. statue of limitations has not happened on some.
Does not want to Meat you

Re: What Crimes have you committed - Stoopid Dog - 09-26-2012

I was young. This is all before kids.

Re: What Crimes have you committed - Stoopid Dog - 09-26-2012

Used to gang bang yo. I was hood. bajaja. Did alot of stupid shit. not proud but meh, it happened.

Re: What Crimes have you committed - Paullehh - 09-26-2012

What you do? Rob a sperm bank?
Tough times.

What Crimes have you committed - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-26-2012

He sure as hell wasn't making any donations.


I've been caught speeding. That's about it.

Re: What Crimes have you committed - Autumn - 09-27-2012

Yeah, speeding and running a red light. I'm hoooord

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