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Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - Printable Version

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Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - KillaMo187 - 09-10-2012

There's a reason this weeks jokes are coming in early. First off This might be the last jokes thread I make here for awhile. [find out on Wednesday if I got good news or not.. Trust me it's a good reason why it ain't gonna happen for awhile]. I'll have a different post about it later this week. But for now in the words of the last George Carlin... Let's get on with the fucking show!

Quote:An old lady is rocking away the last of her days on her front porch, reflecting on her long life, when, all of a sudden, a fairy godmother appears in front of her and informs her that she will be granted three wishes.

"Well, now," says the old lady, "I guess I would like to be really, really rich." ***POOF*** her rocking chair turns to solid gold. She smiles and says, "Gee, I guess I wouldn't mind being a young, beautiful princess." ***POOF*** she turns into a beautiful young woman.

"Your third wish?" asked the fairy godmother. Just then the old woman's cat wanders across the porch in front of them. "Ooh...can you change him into a handsome prince?" she asks. ***POOF*** there before her stands a young man more handsome than anyone could possibly imagine.

She stares at him, smitten. With a smile that makes her knees weak. He saunters across the porch and whispers in her ear: "Bet you're sorry you had me neutered!"

Quote:There is this guy who has a 25 inch dick. He goes to a witch in the woods and asks her if she can make his dick smaller because he just can't please the ladies because it is just too big, he hasn't found a lady yet who likes it and he can't get any pleasure.

She tells him to go into the woods and he will find a frog when he finds the frog he is to ask it to marry him. If the frog says no, his cock will shrink 5 inches.

He goes into the woods and finds this frog. He asks "frog, will you marry me?"
The frog says "no" And his prick shrinks five inches. The guys thinks to himself, "Wow, that was pretty cool. But, it's still too big." So he goes back to the frog and again asks the frog: "Frog, will you marry me?"
Frog: "No, I won't marry you."

The guys dick shrinks another five inches. But that's still 15 inches and he thinks his chop is still just a little bit too big. But he thinks that 10 inches would be just great. He goes back to the frog and asks: "Frog, will you marry me?"

Frog: How many times do I have to tell you NO, NO, NO!!!

Quote:Two old ladies are standing at a bus station and one of them is smoking. Suddenly it starts raining so the smoking one takes out a condom from her purse, cuts the edge off and puts it over the cigarette. Her friend asks her: "What are you doing?!?" So she replies: "I don't want my cigarette to get wet so I covered it with a condom"
So her friend asks: "What�s a condom? Where did you get it?" So she says: "At the pharmacy" So the next day her friend goes to the pharmacy and asks the clerk if she can get a condom. The clerk asks: "What size?"
So she replies: "I dunno, one that will fit a camel"

Quote:Mr. Jones gets a call from the hospital. They tell him his wife's been in a terrible car accident. He rushes to the hospital, runs into the ER and says his wife's been in an accident. They tell him Dr. Smith is handling the case. They page the doctor. He comes out to the waiting room to see a terribly upset Mr. Jones.

"Mr. Jones?" the doctor asks. "Yes sir, what's happened? How is my wife?" The doctor sits next to him and says, "Not good news. Your wife's accident resulted in two fractures of her spine."

"Oh my God" says Mr. Jones, "what will be her prognosis?" Dr. Smith says "Well, Mr. Jones, her vital signs are stable. However, her spine is inoperable. She'll have no motor skills or capability. This means you will have to feed her." Mr. Jones begins to sob. "And you'll have to turn her in her bed every two hours to prevent pneumonia."

Mr. Jones begins to wail and cry loudly. "Then, of course," the doctor continued, "you'll have to diaper her as she'll have no control over her bladder and of course these diapers must be changed at least five times a day." Mr. Jones begins to shake as he cries, sobs, wails.

The doctor continues: "And you'll have to clean up her feces on a regular basis as she'll have no control over her sphincters. Her bowel will engorge whenever and quite often I'm afraid. Of course you must clean her immediately to avoid accumulation of the putrid effluent she'll be emitting regularly."

Now Mr. Jones is convulsing sobbing uncontrollably and beginning to wither off the bench into a sobbing pitiful mass. Just then Dr. Smith reaches out his hand and pats Mr. Jones on the shoulder. "Hey, I'm just fucking with you, she's dead."


Enjoy guys.

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-12-2012

Remember how you said we were gonna vote for the best jokes you posted? I vote for Carlin.

You lose.

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - KillaMo187 - 09-12-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Remember how you said we were gonna vote for the best jokes you posted? I vote for Carlin.

You lose.
It ain't December yet but I'll count your vote for "state prison farms". in anyways.

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - insane - 09-13-2012

guy walks into a bar ....ouch

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - dirtymonkey22 - 09-13-2012

Is it weird Sometimes I think about morgan freeman During sex,

Not in a gay way but if he were to Narrate what I'm doing

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - insane - 09-13-2012

Larry gets into the manual position again as he has many times before but this time is different this time Insane sneaked up behind him. Now you would like to think Larry Valiantly fought off the rapist but this isn't the movies...

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - dirtymonkey22 - 09-13-2012

I told Xzavir at work that and he laughed his ass off

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - Stoopid Dog - 09-13-2012

not laughing at all

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - dirtymonkey22 - 09-13-2012

well you should

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - insane - 09-13-2012

[Image: fetch.php?hash=c81e47&media=http...qgtj4p.jpg]

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - sTr - 09-13-2012

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:Is it weird Sometimes I think about morgan freeman During sex,

Not in a gay way but if he were to Narrate what I'm doing

this is happening next time ! get my bang on....

Re: Jokes of the week: September 10th, 2012 - insane - 09-13-2012

[Image: fetch.php?hash=c81e47&media=http...qgtj4p.jpg]