Board 6
Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Printable Version

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Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - 911wasaninsidejoke - 08-31-2012

[Image: 991846.jpg]

Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-31-2012

Cuz unemployment yields too much free time and extra money.

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Juggahoe - 08-31-2012

All I seen was titties. What eyebrows?

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - sTr - 08-31-2012

she has a clown face with all that wacky makeup

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Autumn - 08-31-2012

Maybe she thinks it looks good? It makes her face look long. Creepy.

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - John the Juggalo - 08-31-2012

I think Juggalos paint their faces to mimic the clown look of ICP, sometimes they paint their face in their own clowny persona.

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - holagatita - 08-31-2012

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - fghtffyrdmns - 08-31-2012

[Image: 407305_2906108174243_1910370084_n.jpg]

I know this girl and see her eyebrows on my Facebook wall everyday. I want to shake her and say "Stay inside for a month and GROW THEM BACK"

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Willis - 08-31-2012

I do it because it makes me look younger.

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - BiggGameJames - 09-01-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:I think Juggalos paint their faces to mimic the clown look of ICP, sometimes they paint their face in their own clowny peH
. I have only painted my face 4 times

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - John the Juggalo - 09-01-2012

Like a mexican chick? Thats weird...

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - BiggGameJames - 09-01-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:Like a mexican chick? Thats weird...

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Ms Felony - 09-04-2012

I do it cause it makes me look more female....

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - juggalogigolo - 09-04-2012

you know what else helps? not having a dick

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Ms Felony - 09-04-2012

atleast I have a dick, unlike you.

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - fghtffyrdmns - 09-04-2012


Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Ms Felony - 09-04-2012


Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - fghtffyrdmns - 09-04-2012, it wasn't supposed to be an image or gif. Good try though. ;)

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - juggalogigolo - 09-04-2012


several women on this board can attest to my dick

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Ms Felony - 09-04-2012

no, several women on this board detest your dick.

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - juggalogigolo - 09-04-2012

most likely true

Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Ms Felony - 09-04-2012


Re: Why do people do this to their eyebrows? - Enigma - 09-04-2012

i have 8 of them....

\/ \/ \/ sig \/ \/ \/