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! think !'m gonna get a gun - Printable Version

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! think !'m gonna get a gun - sTr - 08-30-2012

! was talking to some guys at work and !'m probably gonna get a Smith and Wesson 9mm, nothing too crazy. ! know if push came to shove a criminal may kill me, so ! would like the option of shooting off their dick if they try to kill me. !'m probably gonna get a laser sight just to further ensure accuracy in my shot on the intruders groin.

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - juggalogigolo - 08-30-2012

bajaj go for it

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-30-2012

Make sure to get it legit and go to shooting ranges and take classes if you can. Join NRA or something too. When it comes down to it, if a crook has a gun on you already, and you're not trained... you're gonna fuck up and be the one that got killed.

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - The Professa - 08-30-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Make sure to get it legit and go to shooting ranges and take classes if you can. Join NRA or something too. When it comes down to it, if a crook has a gun on you already, and you're not trained... you're gonna fuck up and be the one that got killed.

word, this^ exactly.

id like to get a handgun or two once i start working again. .357 revolver <3

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - sTr - 08-30-2012

fuck legit, !'m gonna get it from some bum on van buren...

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - John the Juggalo - 08-30-2012

This all makes me think of this.

[Image: Guns_Don_t_Kill_People.jpg]

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - sTr - 09-05-2012

except my gun will kill people.... a lot of them too...

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - Enigma - 09-05-2012

gotta be prepped for when the zombies hit. right?

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - sTr - 09-05-2012


[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - Enigma - 09-05-2012


Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - Ms Felony - 09-05-2012

get a beretta 9mm

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - sTr - 09-05-2012

someone at work recommended that...

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - evulninja - 09-05-2012

i wanted a desert eagle for the longest time.. now i dont even want a gun. the reason i wanted it was if someone actually tried to rob me they wouldn't live even if i shot them in the leg.. that motherfucker will blow a hole the size of a basketball in your ass.. lmao

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - Ms Felony - 09-05-2012

my gun, colt copy
[Image: 537894_10151543338715441_1142179149_n.jpg]

only BB though, semi auto, and I have a double barrel shotgun.

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - Stoopid Dog - 09-06-2012

.38 revolver hollow tips. word.

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - Paullehh - 09-06-2012

Only insecure bastards need security.

! think !'m gonna get a gun - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-06-2012

We live in a country where criminals have guns, unfortunately. Have you seen American news lately man?

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - Paullehh - 09-06-2012

There will always be psychos. You can't live your life in fear.
More guns isn't the answer.

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - sTr - 09-06-2012

more bullets will though

Re: ! think !'m gonna get a gun - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-06-2012

Paullehh Wrote:There will always be psychos. You can't live your life in fear.
More guns isn't the answer.
I don't live in fear. I don't own a gun. Just saying that's one of the reasons one would buy one. We're one of the few first world countries allowed to defend our property with a deadly weapon. And besides, shooting ranges are the shit. I think handguns are the ghey. I want a shotgun.