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Apple Wins in Patent Case - Printable Version

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Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-29-2012

So, what do you guys think about Apple winning the patent case against Samsung?

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Even as an Apple fan, I'm kind of annoyed by this. Apple should be worrying about making the next big thing, and not worried about companies dragging behind.

A lot of people accuse Apple of being late to the party with most features. Apple fans, like myself, feel that Apple isn't behind, they just try to make it work as well as possible with their OS.

Also, here is a quote from Steve Jobs's biography that came out shortly after he died:
Quote:“I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong,” Jobs said. “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.”

Also, does anyone remember when Microsoft won those patent cases in the 90's, and this happened to them?
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Kinda makes me wonder if the same thing won't happen here.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - BiggGameJames - 08-29-2012

lot people pissed about on apples Facebook you have people saying they are not going anymore stuff from apple i bet if it was the other way around people will be bitching at them.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-29-2012

Yeah... I actually enjoy Windows 7 a lot. I want to get it, but all my shit's apple.

Plus I got like, $20k worth of Editing software on my mac, that I can't get onto a future windows PC without pirating or buying again.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - BiggGameJames - 08-29-2012

apple should sue Microsoft they have the Zune thats kinda like copying the ipod

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - sTr - 08-29-2012

the zune has been discontinued for over a year now

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - BiggGameJames - 08-29-2012

sTr Wrote:the zune has been discontinued for over a year now

really why?

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-29-2012

Cuz it fucking sucked.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - Juggahoe - 08-30-2012

haha at you thinking the android platform being way behind apple. spoken like a true fanboy.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-30-2012

Juggahoe Wrote:haha at you thinking the android platform being way behind apple. spoken like a true fanboy.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
not a fanboy. If iOS started sucking I'd jump ship. Last time my contract ran out I bought a droid just to see what it's like. Used it for 2 weeks, and it was dreadful.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - Juggahoe - 08-30-2012

When you say android is dragging behind is fanboy talk when you have no basis. What kind of phone was it? What was "dreadful" about it?

I use to be big on iphones and was on the fuck droids tip for a while. Then I got a real android phone and never went back. Only apple product worth a shit is the ipod classic.

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-30-2012

No basis.... Like the patent cases that this thread is based on.

The droid seemed like a cheap imitation of an iPhone.

Look, you can't force your preference on somebody. I been there. Droid was no good. Couldn't do media capturing or editing. Don't get me wrong, iPhone isn't pro level, but it's damn closer than any of the droids I tested.

Honestly, I'm not going to tell you which droid I had, because of course your only response would be, "well you should have gotten a better one." okay, that may be true. However, that's not a problem with iPhones. There's only one. And it's not expensive. And it can take a lot of abuse.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - Juggahoe - 08-30-2012

umm iphones werent the first touch screens on the market nor were they the 1st to have the slide to unlock feature.. I wasnt trying to force my preference on you. I merely said you sounded like a fanboy with your statement. And yes iphones are just as expensive as a good android phone. I just wanted to know what phone you have. It prolly was a shitty one if youre scared to say which one it was. thus your problem

Also androids can do media capturing and editing...

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-30-2012

Do you work for droid? Are you paid commission? Then stfu.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - Juggahoe - 08-30-2012

haha fanboy much?

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - Paullehh - 08-30-2012

Windows 8 is going to change the game i think.

I'm on droid just now. Samsung Galaxy mini. it's great for a it's size and my lifestyle.
Going to be picking up a Galaxy S3 or Windows 8 phone in February. Apples Nazi agenda disgusts me. I will never buy a product from such a company who would hold back technology.

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-30-2012

I'm very intrigued with windows 8. Windows 7 is pretty decent. But I like the streamlined pc/phone/tablet look. Hence my enjoyment of apple.

The whole holding back technology, I think that's just an extreme interpretation of facts.

I'm sure they're not angels, I'm sure they're not evil nazis. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Right now, the iPhone has never done me wrong. My droid was glitchy and counter intuitive. That's just where I stand on it. I can't tolerate pulling out my phone and tapping away while the OS clunks around, when in my experience the alternative was always quick and useful.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - sTr - 09-01-2012

!'m curious to see if Windows 8 will bring real pc games to the mobile realm, if they can do that they will win

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-01-2012

sTr Wrote:!'m curious to see if Windows 8 will bring real pc games to the mobile realm, if they can do that they will win
I don't think anyone will "win." Because if either of them "won," the competition is gone, they will become complacent, and the public will backlash against it. Kind of how iPhone was the big fish in the pond, and now everyone desperately wants something else to come out better than it. iPad as well. Shit, back in the day, the iPod was the big commercially successful portable mp3 player, and people bought that POS Zune just because there was finally an alternative to the iPod.

Long story short, the only reason that either of the big two companies are any good (Apple and Microsoft), is because of their competition with one another.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - F-Disk - 09-01-2012

apples the best i use win7 at work all the time but ive been stuck on apple since leopard its just to good

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - BiggGameJames - 09-07-2012

The Samsung Note is just like Ipad really Samsung how many times do you want to get sued!

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - sTr - 09-08-2012

! wanna get the note II when it comes out, shit's bad ass...

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-08-2012

I'm gonna get windows 8 laptop and a windows phone when they come out, I think. As much as I like apple, their shortcomings are starting to outweigh their benefits. Plus that Nokia looks hot.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - BiggGameJames - 09-09-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:I'm gonna get windows 8 laptop and a windows phone when they come out, I think. As much as I like apple, their shortcomings are starting to outweigh their benefits. Plus that Nokia looks hot.


Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - F-Disk - 09-09-2012

he was probable drunk when he sayed that apple doesnt have any short comings

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-09-2012

I love apple, but they have been making strange decisions lately. And I'm getting sick of getting a 2 year contract and three different iPhones come out before in eligible for an upgrade.

Apple is having a fight with google, so a lot of google stuff isnt supported anymore.

And it sucks that unless EVERYTHING you own is apple, you don't get the full experience.

I dunno. I've just had iPhones and my mac pro and MacBook pro for so long I want a change. I want that laptop that flips all the way around and becomes a tablet.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - F-Disk - 09-09-2012

if u make this decision you will be back

Apple Wins in Patent Case - LuckyNumbrXIII - 09-09-2012

I'll never get rid of my macs. Just add a windows laptop and smart phone to the mix.

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - Juggahoe - 09-10-2012

BiggGameJames Wrote:The Samsung Note is just like Ipad really Samsung how many times do you want to get sued!
The note is nothing like an ipad. Are you retarded... oh wait...

Re: Apple Wins in Patent Case - Paullehh - 09-16-2012

Will just leave this here. Happy

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