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Dreading tomorrow!!! - Printable Version

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Dreading tomorrow!!! - Enigma - 08-27-2012

My baby has a dr's and dentist appointment tomorrow. I think she's going to have to get shots. :/

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - sTr - 08-27-2012

balls balls, crank kid for the rest of the day

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - John the Juggalo - 08-27-2012

If i had both of those in one day i'd be upset too.

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - Enigma - 08-27-2012

she's actually excited cuz they are requirements to get her into preschool. but she doesn't know she might have to get shots and she's never been to the dentist. maybe i can bribe her with ice cream when everything is over.

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - Autumn - 08-29-2012

lol @ taking your kid to the dentist then for ice cream. Contradiction much? ;)

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Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - sTr - 08-29-2012

better than ice cream and then the dentist...

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - dirtymonkey22 - 08-29-2012

Man Both My boys start school full time Next week

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - sTr - 08-30-2012

it seems like MI changes their start day for school on a yearly basis....

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - John the Juggalo - 08-30-2012

School is for suckers.

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - Enigma - 08-31-2012

she had 3 shots. it made me sad. i cried while having to hold her down. and she was waaaay cranky that day.

bajaj @ she's hamming it up now. tonight she had to take her plate to the kitchen and produced a super fake limp cuz "her legs hurt". i laughed my ass off.

Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - Autumn - 08-31-2012

I'm pretty sure I would adore Cassie. She sounds so much like my niece, and they would probably be bff. <3

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Re: Dreading tomorrow!!! - Enigma - 09-01-2012

probably. she is SUCH a little trouble maker.