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Romance Part Deux - Printable Version

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Romance Part Deux - Autumn - 07-28-2012

What do you think is romantic? Ladies, what'll make your panties drop? It doesn't take much for guys, haha.

I'm super cheesy when it comes to it. I rarely see romance, so I find it super hard to believe guys can be Casanova. But, in any case, if a guy sings to me.. even if its terrible.. I swoon. Opening my door and pulling out my chair is okay, but hearing things from the heart is romantic enough for me. A massage might help, too.

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Re: Romance Part Deux - holagatita - 07-28-2012

being petted/teased, whether it leads to sexytimes or not. hearing random mushy sweet things when a guy normally isn't. being smacked on the butt, because he can't keep his hands off it. *ditto on the being sung to, even if terrible*
I'm not a materialistic person, but occasional presents that show they really GET you, are great.
wrestling with each other like 12 year olds, but sometimes that can go too far, lol
being cooked for
being picked up and carried *swoon*

Re: Romance Part Deux - Enigma - 07-28-2012

i think all of that sounds awesome. i also like when he plays with my hair. the occasional presents would be nice as well.... but i get none of that. :/

Re: Romance Part Deux - evulninja - 08-01-2012

totally just barging in on this cause im not a chick but i like it when chicks stare into my eyes.. that fuckin gets me every time. i dont like being touched on all that much except in sexy time but shit.. i like it when a girl touches my cheek all sexy like then stares into my eyes.. that shit is the bomb to me lmao

Re: Romance Part Deux - Autumn - 08-01-2012

It's good to have a man's pov.

Re: Romance Part Deux - OddBallFreak - 08-14-2012

Fireworks! I'm so not the type of girl that likes flowers or boxes of chocolates or nice romantic dinners and walks on the beach and shit like that. For some reason though, lying on the hood of a car or on the beach or hill of grass in a blanket curled up around a guy, watching the sky a-blaze makes me feel all mushy inside.

Other then that, little gestures are nice.. hand holding, poking at me or joking around and making me smile, saying i'm beautiful (but not over using words like that so it's more meaningful when it is said). Nothing real elaborate, just the small things that add up..

Re: Romance Part Deux - Autumn - 08-14-2012

Krystal, you're beautiful.

Can we, like, do it now?

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Re: Romance Part Deux - juggalogigolo - 08-14-2012

nope, gotta wait till i can watch/join in

Re: Romance Part Deux - Autumn - 08-14-2012

Le sigh. Okay. I can wait. But, can she? ;)

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Re: Romance Part Deux - juggalogigolo - 08-14-2012

DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Romance Part Deux - OddBallFreak - 08-14-2012

It's gonna be tough to try and hold out...we could always just forward you the video, Fred...

Re: Romance Part Deux - juggalogigolo - 08-14-2012

or skype me while its happeneing

Re: Romance Part Deux - Autumn - 08-15-2012

Too bad my phone doesn't Skype, and I don't have a laptop. Darn! ;)

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Re: Romance Part Deux - OddBallFreak - 08-15-2012

Yeah... me either.... Thinking

Re: Romance Part Deux - juggalogigolo - 08-15-2012

youll just have to wait