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Your pets - Printable Version

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Your pets - The Professa - 07-23-2012

Let's see 'em, I bet they're cute .

We saw a couple in some other thread. Let's see some more.

I'll post mine when I get on my laptop.

Re: Your pets - sTr - 07-23-2012

! have two cats (Sting and LuLu Belle) and a dog (Lucy von Grappler). !'ll post pics when !'m not laying down

Re: Your pets - BiggGameJames - 07-23-2012

[Image: cupecake.png]

she a lil bigger now

Re: Your pets - BiggGameJames - 07-23-2012

[Image: bunbun.jpg]

my cousin dog but love her like shes my own

Re: Your pets - BiggGameJames - 07-23-2012

my dogs name is cupcake the other one her name is bunbun

Re: Your pets - Autumn - 07-23-2012

(Left to Right): Tanner, Natasha, and Buddy :)

[Image: treszo.jpg]

Re: Your pets - BiggGameJames - 07-23-2012

what breeds are they?

Re: Your pets - Slacker - 07-23-2012

[Image: 22178_314644824047_5152730_n.jpg]

Re: Your pets - R31GN - 07-23-2012

My cat died a year ago, but I'll find a picture.

Re: Your pets - OddBallFreak - 07-23-2012

[Image: 554319_10150702972938404_756962532_n.jpg]


Re: Your pets - fghtffyrdmns - 07-23-2012

[Image: 24ou6v4.jpg]
Commander Riker. He's a Golden/Lab mix.

[Image: fyodo3.jpg]
[Image: 24v2ohc.jpg]
Dr. Gonzo. Named such because she is a crazy bitch. <3

[Image: f77ye.jpg]
Sherman Tank. Or Sherman Tank-girl if we find out it's a girl.

Re: Your pets - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2012

-no pets

Re: Your pets - holagatita - 07-23-2012

fred Wrote:-no pets
Not for long. I have 3 cats and hes moving in next month. Mwhahaha!

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Re: Your pets - The Professa - 07-23-2012

This is Mr.Sexy (aka Seximus Prime)
he enjoys sleeping in a shoebox on my desk like a boss.
[Image: photo-46.jpg]
and laying across my workspace when i get up to get a drink.
[Image: IMG_2285-1.jpg]

This is Loki, he hears all.
[Image: photo-47.jpg]
This was his first time in snow :)
[Image: WF96.jpg]

Re: Your pets - F-Disk - 07-23-2012

loki is cool an all but mr sexy is the boss

Re: Your pets - The Professa - 07-23-2012

pretty much, yeah. he doesn't take any shit. lol he's 12 years old and gives no fucks.
infact, when i first got loki (loki was still bigger than would stand on his hind legs and box the hell out of lokis snout. he's declawed. loki would just blinkblinkblinkblinkblink. i wish i had video of that shit, it was so quick and you could hear each slap. haha.
also, he once chased loki around in circles in the backyard when loki was still a pup. cat chasing a rottweiler- priceless.
they actually get along really well, but when they were establishing boundaries initially it was pretty funny at times.

Re: Your pets - Enigma - 07-23-2012

[Image: m.jpg]
Baby Oz
[Image: m.jpg]
[Image: m.jpg]
Gordon O'Malley
[Image: m.jpg]
RIP Fat Larry

Re: Your pets - The Professa - 07-23-2012

gordon o'malley is pretty freakin cute in the drawer :3

sorry about fat larry :(
i had a cat that died earlier this year named Pixel (she was so tiny). id rescued her from a shelter and she was super dehydrated and had a bad respiratory infection, she weighed less than 1 lb.. anyways, i had to force feed her w a syringe till she got better. bajaj @ weighing a kitten on a kitchen scale. she also had a genetic disorder that lead to her kidneys failing when she was about 2.5yrs old. she was pretty awesome cat though and lived an exceedingly high quality of life for those two and a half years. RIP Pixel

her grumpy face
[Image: 182170_10150859308541782_702128214_n.jpg]

playing w loki (sorry its blurry).
[Image: 554330_10150802425406782_132461379_n.jpg]

shed do funny shit like hide behind the shower curtain and spy on you.. thinking she's fully concealed.
[Image: 315962_10150335955846782_1991853421_n.jpg]

Pixel and Mr.Sexy watchin the block
[Image: 298359_10150335955446782_1418432551_n.jpg]

Re: Your pets - Enigma - 07-23-2012

awww. what a pretty kitten. i bol'd at the creepy shower pic. :)

i took fat larry to the groomer, and they left him in his crate for 4hrs before they groomed him. he had a heart attack on the way home. if i'd known they weren't going to groom him when we had our appt, i never would have left him there.

it's so hard to lose a pet. :/

Re: Your pets - sTr - 07-23-2012

[Image: 5Gspl.jpg]
"The Icon" Sting

[Image: kVDMY.jpg]
Lulu Belle

[Image: bAlcK.jpg]
Lucy Von Grappler

Re: Your pets - BiggGameJames - 07-29-2012

DeadBodyMan Wrote:[Image: bunbun.jpg]

my cousin dog but love her like shes my own
She has been locked up in the pound at lest 4 times the last time she were they wanted $400 for her they told my cousin if she didn't come get her by Friday they are going put her to sleep. My ant e-mailed the city and got them to lower price down to 250 they also fixed her which is good but they also killed her puffy's that was fucked up that was last litter she has puffy's for each yr

Re: Your pets - Autumn - 07-29-2012

Maybe your AUNT and cousin shouldn't have a dog, if it keeps getting put in the pound and having PUPPIES every year. They sound like bad pet owners.

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Your pets - The Professa - 07-29-2012

[Image: aeeb82c0-02aa-76cb.jpg]

Re: Your pets - BiggGameJames - 07-29-2012

Autumn Wrote:Maybe your AUNT and cousin shouldn't have a dog, if it keeps getting put in the pound and having PUPPIES every year. They sound like bad pet owners.

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they tired everything to keep her from getting out but now she just stay inside they are not not bad i love that dog a lot i try go there to see her a much as i can cuz she is getting old and you know when it will be her time.

Re: Your pets - KillaMo187 - 07-29-2012

[Image: 430543_10150712339951329_794584210_n.jpg]
[Image: 419077_10150711262426329_2136312844_n.jpg]
[Image: 64063_10150714903476329_32732393_n.jpg]
Sassy and Babygirl
[Image: 429246_10150732686386329_1893251760_n.jpg]
Sassy again
[Image: 600562_10151018563786329_1907601358_n.jpg]
And the newest addition. Sissy.

There's my dogs.

[Image: 525401_10150741008406329_2121143289_n.jpg]
And there's my cat. It was taken before he died... His name was Lucky Bastard.

Re: Your pets - fghtffyrdmns - 08-01-2012

My poor pooch has an ear infection I think. :( Gave him a bath the other day and I thought I got his ears dry but I guess not. Gotta get to the vet.

Re: Your pets - Autumn - 08-02-2012

I love this thread! Wooooord @ the spying kitty! If my cat Nermal gets shut in the bathroom when one of us is showering, she will meow her face off until I let her out. So cute! Michelle, I did that once to a dog. Hope your puppy is feeling better soon.

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