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What was the last book you finished? - Printable Version

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What was the last book you finished? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-22-2012

Mine was A Feast for Crows (George R.R. Martin) back in the beginning of June. I was trying to hold off buying the next in the series (A Dance with Dragons) until it came out in paperback but

so I bought it today.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - Paullehh - 07-22-2012

The Templar's Quest by C.M Palov.

Was locked up in the cells for breach of the peace a couple months back and i read that.
Was not bad.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - Slacker - 07-22-2012

[Image: batman_hush.jpg]

Re: What was the last book you finished? - sTr - 07-22-2012

[Image: bret-hart-my-real-life-in-the-cartoon-wo...-cover.jpg]

Re: What was the last book you finished? - Slacker - 07-22-2012

bajaj @ the sun

Re: What was the last book you finished? - FxXxckOff - 07-22-2012

I didn't know the sun was reviewing shit now


Re: What was the last book you finished? - The Professa - 07-22-2012

Old Man's War by John Scalzi. Had to read it for an applied ethics and future technologies class, apparently this book was once on the required reading list for DARPA employees along with other sic fi books that sparked creativity. fascinatingly enough one can draw many parallels between sic fi and irl sci... but thats a discussion for another day and another thread.

Currently reading:
Genius: the life and science of richard feynman He was one of the worlds most famous and most brilliant theo. physicists. He wrote THE final equations for the atomic bomb, investigated the challenger disaster, pretty much invented the idea of nanotechnology, and he was like an effing magician with how he conceptualized and taught. He's got some lectures that are on tape/cd or whatever and i was gonna buy them to listen to but they're super expensive, couldn't find them online to download :(

and The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

can't wait to read Dry and Possible Side Effects by Augusten Burroughs

Re: What was the last book you finished? - Slacker - 07-22-2012

the sun is a shitty tabloid newspaper

Re: What was the last book you finished? - The Professa - 07-22-2012

ooh! has anyone read 33 Revolutions Per Minute: A History of Protest Songs, from Billie Holiday to Green Day ?
title is self explanatory.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - holagatita - 07-22-2012

last one i finished was Water for Elephants

currently reading The Wind Through the Keyhole- Stephen King, Clash of Kings-George RR Martin, Deadlocked-Charlaine Harris

Re: What was the last book you finished? - juggalogigolo - 07-22-2012

Just finished children of dune

Re: What was the last book you finished? - sTr - 07-22-2012

Dune is good shit, never read any of the others

Re: What was the last book you finished? - juggalogigolo - 07-22-2012

So far all of em have been really good. You should fuckin check em out. Shit gets insane

Re: What was the last book you finished? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-22-2012

[Image: tumblr_m3bp9mnIfG1ql720go1_500.png]

Re: What was the last book you finished? - holagatita - 07-22-2012

fred Wrote:So far all of em have been really good. You should fuckin check em out. Shit gets insane

oh you have no idea :)

Re: What was the last book you finished? - evulninja - 07-22-2012

fred Wrote:Just finished children of dune
hell yeah i love dune. wasnt children of dune written by his son?

oh and the last book i read was the dark tower part 7 by stephen king.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - OddBallFreak - 07-23-2012

superfreakomonics, like 4 years ago when it came out. I'm not a fan of reading

Re: What was the last book you finished? - sTr - 07-23-2012

My boss just recommended the freakonomics books to me, downloaded it to my nook last night.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2012

fucka that, i need a real book, i catn stand reading on my kindle

Re: What was the last book you finished? - sTr - 07-23-2012

! don't have the backlit nook, ! could never read off of that. The e-ink is very easy on the eyes.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2012

ive just got a kindle fire, i use it to post with while im taking a shit or at my womans house

Re: What was the last book you finished? - sTr - 07-23-2012

Yeah, anyone who uses those to read are retarded. !m telling you, the basic e-ink Kindle's and Nook's are excellent and ! recommend them to everyone. ! carry about 200 books with me at all times, and my back doesn't even hurt.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2012

meh, fuck paying damn near full price for books, i get all mine at the half priced bookstore for cheap

Re: What was the last book you finished? - sTr - 07-23-2012

bajajajajaj @ paying, why do you think ! bought an e-reader

Re: What was the last book you finished? - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2012

problem is, i dont know what books i even want to read until i go to the bookstore and see them on the shelf, at which point i would rather just pay a buck or 2 and have it right then, instead of comming home, looking for it, and downloading it

Re: What was the last book you finished? - sTr - 07-23-2012

To each his own, ! just like getting as much shit as ! can for free.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - John the Juggalo - 07-23-2012

I usually just thumb through the kids books at Goodwill, they're the only ones with good picture. A picture is worth 1000 words, so on average im reading like 10,000 word books a day.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-23-2012

Not a fan of the Game of Thrones series. It was recommended to me long ago, so I got the first one. Right on the cover it said, "Series begins this september on HBO!" so I was like... well, wtf, let me just read something else.... I read about 1/3 of Game of Thrones til I got bored.

THen watched the series, and it's basically Lord of the Rings porn. I know everyone says, "you have to read the book to enjoy the show" but I find that as a cop-out. How bad of a director do you have to be, to be given an infinite amount of time to make a series, and STILL need the audience to read the source material to understand what you're trying to do?

Like, characters show up and start fucking, or jerking each other off for (seemingly) no reason. Then I'm told, "Well you have to read the book to know who that is and why they're fucking." I don't need to read the fucking book, the producers of that show need to just stop trying. I basically see that show as a really expensive commercial for the book series, because there are at least 10 million shmucks that bought the books after hearing about the series on HBO.

tl;dr The last book I read was Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth."

Re: What was the last book you finished? - juggalogigolo - 07-23-2012

i like the show

-havent read the books

it all seems to make sense to me without having to read them

Re: What was the last book you finished? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-23-2012

I dunno, maybe I gave up on it too early.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - OddBallFreak - 07-23-2012

fred Wrote:i like the show

-havent read the books

it all seems to make sense to me without having to read them

Re: What was the last book you finished? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-23-2012

I mean, overall I get it... but there were some plot holes that made me kind of like, "But wait... why is [blank] doing [blank] if [blank] is [blank]?" And I'd be told to read the books. I'll be honest, I'm really just not interested in the series, which may have contributed to my lack of knowledge. Also, the writer is from my hometown, which makes it kinda funky to me, seeing as I hate my home town.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-23-2012

The beginning is really hard to get through. I picked it up about 2 years before the show came out and didn't get through the first few viewpoints before I put it back down for a few months. It was a slow start. Definitely gets better, and it's definitely not as sexed up as the show (but there is sex). I have attachments to certain characters, and that's what I like about the shows. I have favorite chapters and to see it in live action as compared to in my head is what makes me watch more. Season 2 didn't follow the book as closely but the Battle of the Blackwater episode saved it for me.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - BiggGameJames - 08-20-2012

i'm not good when it comes to finishing books the last one i finished is one of mick Foley books i still have 6 Stephen kings books to read.

Re: What was the last book you finished? - The Professa - 09-03-2012

Has anyone here read anything by Augusten Burroughs? I read "a wolf at the table" and "running with scissors" per the recommendation of a fried. i really like the way he rights, and he's got a dark, dry, matter-of-fact sense of humor that i dig. those two books were kind of depressing, but i like that dark depressing shit a lot of the time, odd as that sounds. .. i just started reading "dry" and downloaded "possible side effects" to read next. dry is pretty good so far, his train of thought as an addict is nearly spot on as far as reasoning through certain things. bajaj. similarly, in "a wolf at the table" ..since its written from the pov of a child as he grows up, the reasoning and logic of a child shines through perfectly imo.