Board 6
Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Printable Version

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Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - thankyou - 07-18-2012

Hi Guys
Just a plea to all the admins , please be nice to james and killa mo and let them come back with no repercussions.

they both have apologized and want to come back to this site but fear they will not get a fair treatment due to past activities.

They are both sorry for the drama and stupid posts and will be on their best behavior when they return.

Thank you

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - sTr - 07-18-2012

! say they come back because it's fun to laugh at retards

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Enigma - 07-18-2012

they can come back, they haven't been banned. but we can't promise to be nice. they have to survive the haze before they can be accepted as one of us....

one of us....

one of us.....

one of us....

wait...i'm getting creepy now, aren't i?

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - thankyou - 07-18-2012

sTr Wrote:! say they come back because it's fun to laugh at retards

FYI james has autism which explains his somewhat erratic posts .

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Enigma - 07-18-2012

James is cool. it's the other twat i have issues with.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - thankyou - 07-18-2012

Killa mo feels really bad for all this and promises not to spam or fight anyone on the board , he just got mad with the post edits and felt like you guys wanted him to start fights with lotb which everyone at lotb saw wasnt really him int he first play.

He also apologizes to autumn especially for all the drama and to fred who he upset.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Star - 07-18-2012

What the fuck, guys? Are they not able to come back on their own? Did we ban them? I don't know what happened, again. And I've been here the whole time.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - TheB6Bitch - 07-18-2012

Are u serious?

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-18-2012

Who is this? I'm lost.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - sTr - 07-18-2012

! like the other guys from their board better

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - thankyou - 07-18-2012

You guys are running them out of the board . They both mean no harm to anyone and just want to post here without people constantly attacking both of them - please just pretend they are both new members with no past dramas.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - sTr - 07-18-2012

that's how we treat new members

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-18-2012

IP check please.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Paullehh - 07-18-2012

fghtffyrdmns Wrote:IP check please.
No other users post from the same ip.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - sTr - 07-18-2012

it's different

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - R31GN - 07-18-2012

These two are very real and very serious about everything. It really is quite sad.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Paullehh - 07-18-2012

Star Wrote:What the fuck, guys? Are they not able to come back on their own? Did we ban them? I don't know what happened, again. And I've been here the whole time.

I think we are unwittingly taking part in some kind of experiment.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - KillaMo187 - 07-18-2012

thankyou Wrote:You guys are running them out of the board . They both mean no harm to anyone and just want to post here without people constantly attacking both of them - please just pretend they are both new members with no past dramas.
Qwarty's telling the truth.

There's another peace treaty in the works between the JH and Juggalos and Everybody's willing to let bygons be bygons.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - TheB6Bitch - 07-18-2012

Wasnt this guy all hatin them before

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - R31GN - 07-18-2012

KillaMo187 Wrote:
thankyou Wrote:You guys are running them out of the board . They both mean no harm to anyone and just want to post here without people constantly attacking both of them - please just pretend they are both new members with no past dramas.
Qwarty's telling the truth.

There's another peace treaty in the works between the JH and Juggalos and Everybody's willing to let bygons be bygons.

There will be no peace you delusional fuck.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-18-2012

Well shit, we didn't agree to any deal.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Paullehh - 07-18-2012

TheB6Bitch Wrote:Wasnt this guy all hatin them before

Yeh, and now he's wanting them to stay here so he doesn't need to deal with these morons.

I think we might be panning them off on Faygoluvers shortly.
Or those fuckers at hatemachine.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - sTr - 07-18-2012

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - Star - 07-18-2012

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - F-Disk - 07-18-2012

man i feel like I'm out of the loop with these guys if they just woulda dropped it aloneg time ago and just made post none would have happened

Re: Can Killa mo and dead body man come back ? - juggalogigolo - 07-18-2012

Why the fuck are they sending their fucking case worker in here to try and make peace? NO ONE LIKES THEM... we arent going to stop beings dicks to them.........
