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What do you do for work? - Printable Version

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What do you do for work? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-17-2012

I am a cake decorator at Walmart.

[Image: 2h6vnkh.jpg]

Re: What do you do for work? - sTr - 07-17-2012

! manage a support team for Cisco.... the tech company, not the oil spread or the cooking supply company

Re: What do you do for work? - F-Disk - 07-17-2012

sTr Wrote:! manage a support team for Cisco.... the tech company, not the oil spread or the cooking supply company
be cooler if it was free lube

Re: What do you do for work? - Paullehh - 07-17-2012

I repair cable TV box's :(

Re: What do you do for work? - TheB6Bitch - 07-17-2012

I take care of 8 guys who have mental disabilities in there house
....... I got to go to a wrestling show for free the other day good times

Re: What do you do for work? - Autumn - 07-17-2012

I DJ at a nightclub and occasionally dance private shows for bachelor parties.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: What do you do for work? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-17-2012

Master Control Operator at a broadcast hub, and freelance Producer, Editor, Animator.

Re: What do you do for work? - Autumn - 07-17-2012

I'm also a liar. ;D I'm actually a pharmacy tech.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: What do you do for work? - Slacker - 07-17-2012

IT shit

Re: What do you do for work? - FxXxckOff - 07-17-2012

[Image: TC%20Lankford%20030109.jpg]

Re: What do you do for work? - Autumn - 07-17-2012

Wow, K, you look wayyyyy different than you used to. Is gay marriage legal at B6? ;D

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: What do you do for work? - juggalogigolo - 07-17-2012

fish monger

Re: What do you do for work? - FxXxckOff - 07-17-2012

ok ok more specifically

[Image: IMG_1344.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1343.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1342.jpg]

Re: What do you do for work? - Slacker - 07-17-2012

pm = pussy magnet

Re: What do you do for work? - BoneZugz - 07-17-2012

Power Medicine.

I work on the base here fixing aircrafts and have been doing so for years, except now I sit in the office upstairs and fill out 337 reports instead of doing the bitch labor I used to.

Re: What do you do for work? - The Professa - 07-18-2012

working as a private tutor, also doing unpaid work/research at the university.

not very exciting :(

Re: What do you do for work? - Star - 07-18-2012

I'm just in law school. I'm thinking about going back to work for the judge I used to work with, but it was almost impossible to have a full time job and then law school from 5-8 every night.

Re: What do you do for work? - Slacker - 07-18-2012

[Image: Sylvester-Stallone-as-Judge-Dredd.jpg]

Re: What do you do for work? - Enigma - 07-18-2012

i work in a call center for directv. lotsa fun. :)

Re: What do you do for work? - sTr - 07-18-2012

any word when !'m getting my wrestling back?

Re: What do you do for work? - Enigma - 07-18-2012

nope. sorry. i have a feeling directv will give into viacom and pay them the extremely ridiculous amount of money and then your rates will go up and fuckers will call us bitching and moaning because we increased their price again.

Re: What do you do for work? - FxXxckOff - 07-18-2012

[Image: GoldmanTonometer.jpg]

Re: What do you do for work? - BoneZugz - 07-18-2012

Star Wrote:I'm just in law school. I'm thinking about going back to work for the judge I used to work with, but it was almost impossible to have a full time job and then law school from 5-8 every night.

shiiiit, I went to ATI Monday-Friday from 5pm-10pm a night pumping out 4 years worth of education in 2 during that speed course while working full time.

But then again, im a man and can do all kinds of awesome things.

Re: What do you do for work? - evulninja - 07-19-2012

my job is to kiss the asses of verizon wireless customers. i fucking hate my job but it pays the bills.

Re: What do you do for work? - COUSIN IT - 07-19-2012

im on SSI Im insane

Have worked alot before I was Tagged Incapable of work

Re: What do you do for work? - juggalogigolo - 07-19-2012

lazy bitch

Re: What do you do for work? - fghtffyrdmns - 07-22-2012

[Image: 2vctawn.jpg]
[Image: 1ie3wp.jpg]

Re: What do you do for work? - Red Geist - 07-22-2012

I am a programmer. PHP, jQuery/JavaScript, Java, ASP, MySQL etc.

I also do graphic design for web, print and just art in general.

Re: What do you do for work? - holagatita - 07-22-2012

Veterinary Technician in a 4 vet practice. Been doing it for 10 years, and love it.

Re: What do you do for work? - Autumn - 07-22-2012

This :P
[Image: The_starting_stage_to_insert_the_pills.JPG]

Re: What do you do for work? - The Professa - 07-22-2012

Red Geist Wrote:I am a programmer. PHP, jQuery/JavaScript, Java, ASP, MySQL etc.

I also do graphic design for web, print and just art in general.

have you done the google summer of code thing? one of my buddies suggested i check it out, but i only started learning programming, java, recently. anyways, it seemed kinda cool... though to be fair I'm rather nerdy.