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Find out who you were reincarnated from its easy - Printable Version

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Find out who you were reincarnated from its easy - insane - 07-17-2012

Just put in died on the day, year and month you were born and find out who died the day you were born the first person that comes up on the search is you.
Pandit Prakash Vir Shastri (December 30, 1923 - November 23, 1977) was a noted Member of the Parliament of India (Sansad). He was known for his eloquence and forceful oratory style, as well as his mastery of Sanskrit. Shastri was also a recognized leader in the Arya Samaj movement. Thats what came up on my search how about you?

Re: Find out who you were reincarnated from its easy - sTr - 07-17-2012

this guy

Stephen Sylvester – Hounslow

At the terminal three car park at London’s Heathrow Airport a K-reg Ford Cortina had overstayed its time by several days, prompting irritated officials to call the police. They opened the boot and inside found the body of the owner, 39-year-old West Indian mini-cab driver Stephen Sylvester. He had died of multiple stab wounds, one of which had penetrated his heart.

Sylvester disappeared after taking a 2 a.m. call on Thursday evening, November 17th, 1983, from his home in Hounslow. He lived only a few minutes from the airport, but his car wasn’t parked until 4 a.m. His body was found the following Monday.