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Sleep is for suckers - Printable Version

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Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-14-2012

! haven't slept yet and ! don't plan on going to bed anytime soon.... ! fixed a bunch o shit on the board, mainly shit on the back end.... but if there's anything you'd like to see here now is your chance.

Re: Sleep is for suckers - TheB6Bitch - 07-14-2012


Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-14-2012

[Image: mentalhygiene.jpg]

Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-14-2012

! think !'m gonna stay up all the way to Sunday, fuck yall sleeping fagbots.

Re: Sleep is for suckers - juggalogigolo - 07-14-2012

do it

Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-14-2012

!'m gonna, !'ll post periodically throughout the night like ! did last night or proof.... sleep strike FTW

Re: Sleep is for suckers - juggalogigolo - 07-14-2012

word honkey

the first gathern in ohio i went 4 days without sleep, then got maybe 2 or 3 hours each night for 3 days, then was awake for another 2 days

shit was awesome at the time but it sucked balls afterwards, i was falling asleep standing up and shit

Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-14-2012

same here, ! was falling asleep on the drive home. there's nothing scarier than closing your eyes and opening them and being three lanes over...

Re: Sleep is for suckers - juggalogigolo - 07-14-2012

word lyfe son.

i remember it pretty well, which is weird because my memory is horrible

i worked 12 hour nights at the time, woke up at 5pm wednesday and went to work at 7, got off at 7am, packed and drove an hour to melissas house, got there about noon, we packed her shit and went and bought supplies, booze and pop and shit, and hung out for a while and left at 1am. drove to ohio and got there at like 6am, got out shit set up and partied, hung out all night friday getting crunk at the b6 campsite all night, same shit again saturday until 4 am... woke up at like 7 because it was hot and bright as a motherfucker..... rinse and repeat till monday morning..... got up at like 8. packed our shit and drove back to south bend to drop melissa off, drove back home, changed into my work clothes and went in to work another 12 hour night shift

Sleep is for suckers - FxXxckOff - 07-14-2012

Sleep is awesome. Fuck that.

Re: Sleep is for suckers - Autumn - 07-14-2012

I'm with you, K.

Sleep is for suckers - FxXxckOff - 07-14-2012

You better be honey buns, I don't wanna be sleepin alone.

Re: Sleep is for suckers - Autumn - 07-14-2012

No way, Jose! :)

Re: Sleep is for suckers - juggalogigolo - 07-14-2012

i fuckin love sleeping, best part of my day

Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-14-2012

sleep is a waste of my time and my life....

Re: Sleep is for suckers - juggalogigolo - 07-14-2012


Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-15-2012

46.5 hours awake folks... where's the hookers and blow?!

Re: Sleep is for suckers - COUSIN IT - 07-15-2012

sorry fam ended up drinking beer then got stonned...then threw up out the window of my bedroom and passed out..

Re: Sleep is for suckers - psychopathic penguin - 07-15-2012

buncha fags

Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-15-2012


[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Sleep is for suckers - Autumn - 07-16-2012

Were you hallucinating?

Re: Sleep is for suckers - sTr - 07-16-2012

a little... nothing crazy though

Re: Sleep is for suckers - The Professa - 07-18-2012

<-- loves sleep. will not get to sleep tonight, too much work to do. :(

*saves the world*

Re: Sleep is for suckers - Slacker - 07-18-2012

-still in bed at 2pm