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All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Printable Version

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All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - KillaMo187 - 07-12-2012

First off... Happy James? I did not want to do this but you done pissed off people again so now I gotta fix it again like always lol.

Second off... Allow me to introduce myself. My name is KM and I have been friends with deadbodyman for a few years. When he discovered this place he tried hard to get me to join here. Each time I refused until about 10 minutes ago when again he told me another person hates him here. I don't want to know what he did to piss people off and I don't care quite frankly. Bottomline... I have no choice but to do this on his behalf since he has no idea what the fuck he did wrong. So here's his apology on my behalf!

I know it's something that you don't see in message boards is someone actually being a human being opposed to being an complete fucking prick but look. James might have some spelling issues but who don't? We're only human. So on his behalf I'm apologizing for any stupidity he's done. He means well ok?

And I decided before joining this site I decided to take a look at other posts and shit. And this whole "get used to be hated on" bullshit is kinda sad. I started the JP Alliance to get stupid shit like that out of this family. If I wanted to see idiotic behavior like that I would've joined LOTB/Juggalo Halocaust/Esham's shitstain of a message board. It sickens me to death to see someone hating on somebody in a message board just because they might type different or act different or maybe have a disability. As Joe Strummer always sez. You got to Know Your Rights. deadbodyman should have a right to post whatever without getting shitted on and so should other newbs that come into your board. Whatever happened to respect? Cuz looking here. I don't see any.

And don't bother hating on me because this is the only fucking post I'm making here. I am gonna lurk in the shadows from time to time to check on you's because I do have an internet show on YouTube and I am always looking for some asshole to be protrayed as an idiot who posts Idiot Viral Videos.

So in closing. James means no harm to anybody here so drop the fucking hate. And keep in mind fellow juggalos. James is mexician and 67% of juggalos and juggalettes happen to be white. You might wanna think for a quick second what could go wrong in this whole "let's hate on someone cuz he's a newb" marathon of sorts. When the Race-Card is played. Shit changes in a quick second... Online or Offline. So think about that, Fred!

I'm outta here. Have a good fucking day
-Lone Wolf-

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

i dont give a fuck what race he is

and to quote your idiot friend " respect is earned not given"

im glad you started your own shit and have a zero hate policy on YOUR board..... this is b6, we have no such policy here, and REALLY"? your gonna threaten us with the race card? I CANT MAKE FUN OF YOUR RETARD FRIEND BECAUSE HES MEXICAN?? agag..... thats the most racist shit ever.. and it wont fly

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - BiggGameJames - 07-12-2012

told you Joe that they won't care Fred is a Dick jp is not a forum its a movement

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

i think its fuckin hilarious that you had to have your friend come in here and protect you and try and bully us into being nice to you

thats so fucking pathetic its retarded

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Dude, I didn't start hating on him until he started talking shit on Melissa. I've been a regular at this board and I got the shit hated out of me for the first few weeks of being here. He's LUCKY he's getting hated on by only Fred. I got hated on by DOZENS of people. This board ain't nothin' compared to what it used to be with hate. He's been sticking around, but now he's getting someone to fight his e-battles and that's making him look like a pussy, when he's been talkin all like "you ain't gonna hate me outta here".

I liked you, kid. I don't hate on people usually, but now you're pissing me off with this baby bullshit. Grow a set and live with the hate. You'll get over it soon enough.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - BiggGameJames - 07-12-2012

i only did that guess she was missing wit me

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

freal.... what a pussy

fuck you guys im not going anywhere, hate on me all you want i dont care!!

boooooooo hooooooooo joe these guys keep making fun of me and being mean! come beat em up for me!

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - KillaMo187 - 07-12-2012

fred Wrote:i dont give a fuck what race he is

and to quote your idiot friend " respect is earned not given"

im glad you started your own shit and have a zero hate policy on YOUR board..... this is b6, we have no such policy here, and REALLY"? your gonna threaten us with the race card? I CANT MAKE FUN OF YOUR RETARD FRIEND BECAUSE HES MEXICAN?? agag..... thats the most racist shit ever.. and it wont fly
Angry Writer
Where I come from respect is not earned, given, or taken. It's beaten right into ya. I been down 18 years and I've seen enough shit to know that this family needs some major fucking change for the better and that's because ICP and everyone at psychopathic ain't gonna do shit to change it because they're making money off every arrest, crime, rape, murder, and drug deal gone wrong that is done in a juggalos name.

I don't even know ya Fred and just by reading this reply of yours... I don't fucking like you. I'd most likely punch ya the second I saw ya at the gather and rip your hatchet right off your neck cuz that's how that conversation would start and end. You ain't gotta like me boy but you better fucking respect me because I'm one of the last "Original" OG's from Michigan who have been down since before Riddle Box was even released. The only reason I didn't jump the ship when it got rocky is because I saw beyond the music. I saw UNITY! Something this place lacks to the 3rd degree.

I don't care if you wanna hate just because you don't like a person. It's perfectly fine. Just keep this in mind... When your life finally crashes down around you because of your actions I'm gonna be right there below you with my arms crossed to welcome you back to reality.

Looks like I'm staying awhile now. So looks like I'm making myself right at home. It's already full of people who like to fight so it's just like being at home So..

And for the record: James didn't send me in here. I decided to come outta my free will.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Look, Fred isn't even a juggalo anymore. This board was originally connect to thesixth, which was a juggalo page, but that shit is long gone now. I'm still a juggalo, and no I haven't been "down since before Riddlebox", but I'm still a juggalo nonetheless. Your boy needs to lighten up a little. This place is not that scary, trust me.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - BiggGameJames - 07-12-2012

Autumn Wrote:Look, Fred isn't even a juggalo anymore. This board was originally connect to thesixth, which was a juggalo page, but that shit is long gone now. I'm still a juggalo, and no I haven't been "down since before Riddlebox", but I'm still a juggalo nonetheless. Your boy needs to lighten up a little. This place is not that scary, trust me.

i have no prombloe with you and as for b6bitch the only reason i started with her was cuz i thought she starting something with me the only person here i don't like is Fred and i'm sorry Melissa for calling you fat and pig i'm fat to.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Hey, if Fred hating on you is going to get more people here and posting, I hope he keeps the hate up, tbh. We need some new faces around here.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

bajajaja @ you making yourself out to be some big shot tough guy!

no one gives a fuck where you grew up, or how long youve been "down"
this board might have ties to an old icp site but the board itself ISNT a juggalo board.... its OUR board.. kept alive and brought back multiple times over the past 10 years because all of the OG members are friends and WANTED it to come back. hows that for " UNITY" for you? because this is OUR place where WE hang out and talk to each other about random ass shit.... i havent worn a fucking hatchetman necklace in damn near 8 years, and your internet thuggery of threatening to beat my ass is laughable. ALMOST as funny as you claiming i should respect you because youve been "down with the clown" for 18 years...... that means jack shit to me, AND EVERYONE ELSE HERE!

no one fucking cares how long youve listened to icp any more than a random stranger cares about how long youve had the same pair of shoes

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - BiggGameJames - 07-12-2012

and i didn't send him in here like he said ill been telling him to join but he didn't want at 1st and he didn't have to he came cuz he wanted to.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Paullehh - 07-12-2012

BAJAJ @ Taking shit on this forum seriously.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Really, it's the internet for Christ's sake!

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - KillaMo187 - 07-12-2012

Autumn Wrote:Really, it's the internet for Christ's sake!
It is the internet and anything that happens socially on the internet can fuck ya in the end while looking for an apt or a job.

I am sorry about the way I busted into this place but it's just I can't stand people acting like idiots on the net talking shit back and forth to one another like it's still the good ol' days before teenagers would kill themselves over something said on the internet... Come on people.

And as far as hate goes?


Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012

What the fuck is going on around here.

Quick summary pwease.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Autumn - 07-12-2012

KillaMo187 Wrote:#LoveThyHaters

I think I like you.. Happy

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

your moron friend is 26 years old..... and apparently loves the hate that he is getting..... or at least claims to, before he runs and cries to you about it.

this is OUR board, and OUR rules. if he, or you, dont like them, you can kindly go fuck yourselfs back at whatever happy fun time rainbows and butterflies board you guys used to circle jerk at

Marshmallow Man Wrote:What the fuck is going on around here.

Quick summary pwease.

crybaby retard told his internet buddy to come yell at us for making fun of him

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - John the Juggalo - 07-12-2012

In Fred's defense (not that he needs it):

You come onto this board making all types of wild judgments, the same judgmental ideas that you’re criticizing us for. That’s incredible, in my opinion. You pull the race card, and for some reason keep using this ‘juggalo’ thing to somehow guilt Fred and the rest of us into tolerating complete jerk offs. Why is it that when ‘rights’ come out its always about ‘rights’ for a certain group. So your friend here has the right to be a complete fucking idiot. Granted the Constitution allows this, he has freedom of speech. We also have the right to criticize his lack of any structure or sense of literacy.

Going on to say that if you had ever met Fred you would assault him, Wow way to spread that family love of tolerance right? You’re no better than anyone here, regardless of the amount of foul things they have to say. You don’t know Fred, and its absolute arrogance to even begin to think that you can make the same judgments you criticize us for making, about Fred. How could you possibly know anything of Fred by the Bajaj worthy things he’s said to some Autistic kid on the internet? You simply can not. I’ve known Fred for a very long time, and I can safely say that you have gravely misjudged his character from your throne of ivory.

Please try to refrain from using your years of being ‘down’ with ICP as a defense, or as some type of moral code. It means nothing, and if anything will cause any sensible person to look at you and think you’re as big of a fool as your friend. This is the internet, people say what they want. You need to learn to strip yourself of your ego, as you’re a very arrogant person looking to pump yourself up further while hiding your sociopathic tendencies behind the aiding of a retarded kid on the internet. That’s fucking sick dude. Fred isn’t the problem here, you are. This is OUR forum, you’re a guest here. . Learn that, and remember it. You jerk.

Thats all i got to say about it.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - KillaMo187 - 07-12-2012

Marshmallow Man Wrote:What the fuck is going on around here.

Quick summary pwease.
I came in to try to apologize on deadbodyman's behalf (of my own free will), Took a look at other posts and gave my personal thoughts on most of what is said here. That's all.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Paullehh - 07-12-2012

Marshmallow Man Wrote:What the fuck is going on around here.

Quick summary pwease.
Fred trolled the fuck outa deadbodyman so hard that deadbodys friends ass got some butthurt too.
We are sending for two pairs of big boy pants to be issued to both victims asap.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - KillaMo187 - 07-12-2012

Autumn Wrote:
KillaMo187 Wrote:#LoveThyHaters

I think I like you.. Happy
If you make that trend than I'll like ya back Happy
I been using that hashtag for a year just to piss LOTB off.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

Paullehh Wrote:
Marshmallow Man Wrote:What the fuck is going on around here.

Quick summary pwease.
Fred trolled the fuck outa deadbodyman so hard that deadbodys friends ass got some butthurt too.
We are sending for two pairs of big boy pants to be issued to both victims asap.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - KillaMo187 - 07-12-2012

fred Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:
Marshmallow Man Wrote:What the fuck is going on around here.

Quick summary pwease.
Fred trolled the fuck outa deadbodyman so hard that deadbodys friends ass got some butthurt too.
We are sending for two pairs of big boy pants to be issued to both victims asap.




Just another group of fuckin' idiots to me.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - BoneZugz - 07-12-2012

I hate you both, WHUT

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Haters gon' hate.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - BoneZugz - 07-12-2012

baby dont talk like that.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Autumn - 07-12-2012

Haters gon love?

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

lovers gon hate!

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012

1. B6 Is a hateful board.

2. We are NOT and I repeat we are NOT a JUGGALO FORUM, though we have a juggalo spot over at the bottom of the index page, next to the TRASH SECTION of B6.

3. Hash Tags are fucking stupid, this is not Twitter and #YouLookGayDoingIt

4. Fuck Fred you guys, he is a tall douche from Indiana. He is a fucking fagot and quite frankly he can suck a cock.

5. Don't like it you can GEEEEETTTTTT OOUUUUUUTTTT /South Park

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

Marshmallow Man Wrote:4. Fuck Fred you guys, he is a tall douche from Indiana. He is a fucking fagot and quite frankly he can suck a cock.

you sure werent fuckign complaining last night :*

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - KillaMo187 - 07-12-2012

Well I didn't want to stay but it seems this shit is gonna be fun here I might as well stick around..

Plus Your wrestling forum should be infected with a virus called Indy Wrestling lol.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012

Do as you wish but note that we bust peoples balls and give people a rough time,.

Re: All Apologizes to deadbodyman on his behalf. - Paullehh - 07-12-2012

KillaMo187 Wrote:Well I didn't want to stay but it seems this shit is gonna be fun here I might as well stick around..

Plus Your wrestling forum should be infected with a virus called Indy Wrestling lol.
I heard some dudes over at 4chan made a kid cry...
You should get right over there in your caremobile and set the situation right .