Board 6
Error Reportation Here! - Printable Version

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Error Reportation Here! - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012



[Image: 5190c6240e.jpg]

There is example of all profile fields available at the time being. More will be added in time or with request.

I have removed some code from the files that run the board that do not get used anymore.

A few things fucked up at first but I think I got most of it cleaned up. There has been a few changes. Which I will announce below.

Page Per Post has been changed to 35. A middle ground for everybody. You can also change your settings for just you in your profile to how ever many you wish it to be.

Forum Moderators have been made into Global Moderators, which means you can moderate all the forums instead of just one.

Download Section has been given its own theme in which Quick Reply will be added in the next day or two.

B6 Bucks has been deactivated temporary until it can be updated and have more things added along side with it. (meaning be able to spend the money you earn.

Love Line has been added and the following were made mods of only that forum: Mellisa, Autumn and Leslie.

Lyrical War grounds was moved to Media Section.

I also need to know if the Arcade is used by alot of people please, I want to deactivate it and revamp it in the next day or so. Please let me know.

I will be adding a IMAGE HOST script as well to host our sigs and avatars as well as images to post on the board.


Re: Error Reportation Here! - BiggGameJames - 07-12-2012

i'm heaving trouble posting videos

Re: Error Reportation Here! - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012


Place the YOUTUBE LINK in there. You can't have anything extra in the url such as &RELATED_#5&#*%. just the basic URL.

Here is an example of the correct way


Here is the improper way:


Re: Error Reportation Here! - COUSIN IT - 07-12-2012

We need a Lette room so we can talk about our crushes on Psychopathic members without offending the guys in this Board6

Re: Error Reportation Here! - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012

Hmmmm/ I think I can manage that. Let me see where I can place that, if I do set up a sperate forum for that you guys should still come over and check us out as well and if I DO make another forum for that, you will have to promote it and get it busy with users or Ill delete it. Deal?

Re: Error Reportation Here! - COUSIN IT - 07-12-2012

ok recruiting Wikid Lettes...

Re: Error Reportation Here! - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

-reports an error

Re: Error Reportation Here! - sTr - 07-12-2012

you are the error...

Re: Error Reportation Here! - juggalogigolo - 07-12-2012

i errored on your fiances face

Re: Error Reportation Here! - COUSIN IT - 07-12-2012

everytime i go to that main site it logs me off and then i see a bunch of videos with say close it down

Re: Error Reportation Here! - FxXxckOff - 07-12-2012

my birthday in my shit is set to may 9th 1986 but it displays my birthday as may 8th...bajaj

Re: Error Reportation Here! - WCninja - 07-13-2012

error and stuff.

Re: Error Reportation Here! - sTr - 07-13-2012

Primly gonna get rid of bday thing if ! can't get it fixed

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Error Reportation Here! - Autumn - 07-16-2012

No errors atm. :]