Board 6
Holy shit, I found this place - Printable Version

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Holy shit, I found this place - dopey - 07-12-2012

Wow. I was a member a while back. Around 2004 to 2006? Hard to remember. I dont where this place went, and im baffled to see this place as i remember it, with usernames i reconize....this is so weird!

I do not expect anybody to remember me at all, but i can sorta remember marshmellow man, ummmm a guy named joshy?
i remember bajajaj first being a thing....

whats good here now?

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - Stoopid Dog - 07-12-2012

Not a whole lot buddy, but check out our main forum for the actual hot spot of b6.

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Holy shit, I found this place - FxXxckOff - 07-14-2012

Bajaj I remember you

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - F-Disk - 07-20-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:Bajaj I remember you

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - F-Disk - 07-20-2012

somebody that knows who this guy really is get his ass back here

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - John the Juggalo - 07-21-2012

Oh shit, yea Dopey..this guy is good times.

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - The Professa - 07-21-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:Oh shit, yea Dopey..this guy is good times.

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - OddBallFreak - 07-21-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:Bajaj I remember you

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

sup dopey

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - FxXxckOff - 07-26-2012

wtf dopey


Re: Holy shit, I found this place - sTr - 07-27-2012

the great dopey givith and the great dopey taketh away

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - TheB6Bitch - 07-29-2012

where the fuck he go

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - TheB6Bitch - 07-29-2012

where the fuck he go

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - ColtBoy - 07-29-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:dopey asshole

[Image: 112808_bong_anus_insert.jpg]

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - dopey - 07-29-2012

sorry for not checking back! wasnt much activity a few days after makin the thread.

So yea! holy shit thanks for sayin sup! i do remember most of you. We generally never butted heads too much. Maybe with a dude named farting. and i just really posted with my boy lunch box in class with me. This was my first messageboard....i was like 16-17 haha.

Anywaze.....Whats up? since i left ive;
Become a cook
Made mad bank
Spent it all(youngnstupid)
Kept working place to place
Years later meet sexy ass dj
Has a beautiful daughter
Move down to area to have a bomb down to earth woman to party with
tori amos/janeane garofalo type
become daddy
got married one year ago in 2 days
Honeymoon at BURNING MAN
way better than gathering
back to cooking and being a weirdo fun crazy hard workin dad
oh yeah, Im an ambush puppeteer for parties.
and thats dopey now!

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - dopey - 07-29-2012

removal of the cock in balls and whatever that mutant double sider woule be this punishment for the neglect?

Holy shit, I found this place - FxXxckOff - 07-29-2012

Fuckin dopey

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - ColtBoy - 07-29-2012

FxXxckOff Wrote:Fuckin dopey

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTK_Nc_iLAeHC0IJ6Zo8EL...Wa4h6XAHlw]

Holy shit, I found this place - FxXxckOff - 07-29-2012

Yes. We get it. You are very clever.

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - dopey - 07-29-2012

your sig is one of my favorite things shaggy ever said. I remember you too! ok enough circlejerk.

whats up?

Holy shit, I found this place - FxXxckOff - 07-29-2012

Not shit man, living the dream. Hahaha

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - dopey - 07-29-2012

well, that sig is certainly annoying.

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - sTr - 07-30-2012

at least he changed it from a dick to a pussy now

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - dirtymonkey22 - 07-30-2012

i'm pooping right now that is all

Re: Holy shit, I found this place - sTr - 07-30-2012

Poop posting is the best, technology has made the bathroom my favorite room in the house

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