Board 6
How b6 has changed your life - Printable Version

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How b6 has changed your life - Star - 07-09-2012

I watch shit like this:

And think, that's not fucking unsettling, even "horrible" pictures of violently killed people don't bother me anymore...

Re: How b6 has changed your life - F-Disk - 07-09-2012

b6 made me a better person it took me spun me upside down and slapped the stupid out of me

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Star - 07-09-2012

Being back on B6 has caused uncontrollable urges to post statuses with a random first line that could be anything, like "I just..." and then commenting with shit like "got home from class".

It makes me want to respond to other people's shit, like how Steph just said "I lovvvvvvve to smoke", by saying "-doesn't".

It makes me want to respond to everything by just saying "word", or "bajaj".

And, when I space out, I almost say really trashy things that I would only ever say here.

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

i could have done so many things with my life if it wasnt for b6


Re: How b6 has changed your life - Autumn - 07-09-2012

It's made me not be afraid of Goatse and Tubgirl. It's taken a lot of my hours of my life away.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: How b6 has changed your life - sTr - 07-09-2012

B6 strangely enough made me conscious of my grammar, especially when ! look at my old posts. It's also given me something to work on the last 10+ years. ! have made sure that for the most part of the last decade that we had a board to post at. Granted, it wasn't up 100% of the time and it wasn't busy but ! made sure it was here. You guys are my friends, ! talk to you guys more than ! do with the people ! know in real life.

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Enigma - 07-09-2012

i've never had anything constantly good in my life. I've always felt like i was just replaceable and not worthy. you guys make me feel like i matter.

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: How b6 has changed your life - FxXxckOff - 07-09-2012

you all were my go-to mother fuckers. many of you have helped in many aspects of my life. i'll never forget shit like that. I grew up with most of you, as lame as that sounds via internet. but its good times i'll always remember.

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

\/\/erd ^

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Star - 07-09-2012

I feel like i want to hug you all

Re: How b6 has changed your life - F-Disk - 07-09-2012

fred Wrote:\/\/erd ^
this is how its done

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

he had <---- I love only men blocked when i made that post

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Autumn - 07-09-2012

I feel way more comfortable telling you guys stuff, than telling people I talk to everyday. I love you guys!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


and you bastid @ blocking it again

Re: How b6 has changed your life - sTr - 07-09-2012

he has some work around, !'ll learn it one day...

bajaj, that was still pretty funny that you tried...

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012


Re: How b6 has changed your life - sTr - 07-09-2012

fred Wrote:<---- I love only men

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012

true story

Re: How b6 has changed your life - InsayneScrubalette - 07-10-2012


[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-10-2012


Re: How b6 has changed your life - F-Disk - 07-10-2012

sTr Wrote:he has some work around, !'ll learn it one day...

bajaj, that was still pretty funny that you tried...

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Stoopid Dog - 07-10-2012


Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-10-2012

<---- I love only men

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Stoopid Dog - 07-10-2012


Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-10-2012


Re: How b6 has changed your life - WCninja - 07-10-2012

you guys were pretty much my only friends through high school...

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-10-2012

dont fuckin lie, we still are

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Stoopid Dog - 07-10-2012

bajaj <---- I love only men

Re: How b6 has changed your life - Autumn - 07-10-2012

WCninja Wrote:you guys were pretty much my only friends through high school...


Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-10-2012


Re: How b6 has changed your life - WCninja - 07-10-2012

fred Wrote:dont fuckin lie, we still are
i guess thats also true. all of my "real" friends fucked me over in some way shape or form. about a year ago i decided that friends are overrated. i pretty much go to work and hangout with my girfriend. i see my family about once a week. the closest thing i have to friends are the retarded citizens i work with. yes, i work with developementally disabled individuals. about 50% of the time, they make my day. the other half of the time they drive me fucking insane and leave me wanting to pull my hair out.

Re: How b6 has changed your life - juggalogigolo - 07-10-2012

[Image: gooblegabble-o.gif]