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Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-08-2012


Hi. - FxXxckOff - 07-08-2012

What's up b money?

Re: Hi. - sTr - 07-08-2012

What's been new? Glad to see you pop in... hows the Mrs?

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Re: Hi. - InsayneScrubalette - 07-08-2012

Hello there

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Re: Hi. - F-Disk - 07-08-2012

Hell yea howdy in the house man this place gets more exelent by the minute

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Re: Hi. - TheB6Bitch - 07-08-2012

i heart brandon with all of my soul.......................except his beard lol

Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-08-2012

Just sitting around listening to ICP and swinging my hatchet til I'm dead in the ground. Or, not so much.

The wifey is doing well.

What's up Steph? Loooong time no talk.

I honestly never thought I'd be posting here again. Last I was told everybody on here hated me and the wifey bajaj. I couldn't tell you if that's true or not, but it's whatever. It's cool to see some names of people I had completely forgotten about.

Re: Hi. - InsayneScrubalette - 07-09-2012

capthowdy1027 Wrote:Just sitting around listening to ICP and swinging my hatchet til I'm dead in the ground. Or, not so much.

The wifey is doing well.

What's up Steph? Loooong time no talk.

I honestly never thought I'd be posting here again. Last I was told everybody on here hated me and the wifey bajaj. I couldn't tell you if that's true or not, but it's whatever. It's cool to see some names of people I had completely forgotten about.

I tried to add you noogers on Facebook with no luck I figured y'all still hated us for something I honestly do not even remember. Good to see you again I actually miss you liz and Kyle.

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Re: Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

bajaj funny how all the stupid internet bullshit drama played out really. I started a board for Howdy Inc. then heard that you and Luke was super pissed at us for it, so that was that. I see your posts on other people's Facebook stuff every once in a while and think I should say what's up, but never did. I honestly don't even remember you trying to add me as a friend though.

But, like I said I had heard from here and there that most of the old schoolers hated Liz and I. I've read through some of the posts on here and seems like some were talking shit, but I could really care less at this point.

Re: Hi. - InsayneScrubalette - 07-09-2012

Ah fuck what they think and fuck our old Hatfield McCoy internet feud. I'll add you again on my fb lol

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Re: Hi. - Star - 07-09-2012

I've lost all of my innocence...every time I see someone call str dp, it's like, oh la la, and then it takes me a few seconds to remember it stands for detroit psycho...

Re: Hi. - sTr - 07-09-2012

Star Wrote:I've lost all of my innocence...every time I see someone call str dp, it's like, oh la la, and then it takes me a few seconds to remember it stands for detroit psycho...

oo la la that dp makes you go oo la la

Re: Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

bajaj I'm bored enough and just searched the board and Fluffy was a super shit talker about me. Now we're cool, friends on Facebook and my board, and have no problems with him in the least bit. He posted about coming here on my board, and that's why I stopped by. I demand a damn apology!

Steph, how have you and Luke been? It's been what, damn near 5 years I think since we've talked now?

Re: Hi. - sTr - 07-09-2012

fluff's notorious for being a shit talker...

Re: Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

He sho is. That mother fucker.

Re: Hi. - InsayneScrubalette - 07-09-2012

Were good ty for asking! We're coming up on our 13 wedding anniversary so chalk up another year that I haven't killed him yet :-D but who knows if 14 will come haha.

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Re: Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

bajaj that's good stuff. Liz and I are coming up on 11 years here in a few months, and have a 10 year old and a 6 year old. Time freakin' flies.

Re: Hi. - F-Disk - 07-09-2012

sTr Wrote:fluff's notorious for being a shit talker...

Re: Hi. - InsayneScrubalette - 07-09-2012

Still no kids from us! Wow it really has been a long time I think your kid was about a newborn last we really talked.

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Re: Hi. - TheB6Bitch - 07-09-2012

i still call str DP lol i just listened to my cd he gave me the other day i fond it downstairs

Re: Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

I'm getting nostalgic now...

Glenn (whatever happened to that guy?) serving Blaze at the 2005 Gathering:

And a shittily put together slide show from a bunch of photos I took that year:

There are pics of me, Liz, Steph, Luke, Krystal, John the Juggalo, Glenn, Glenn's chick (I can't remember her name) and a few others I guess.

Re: Hi. - Stoopid Dog - 07-09-2012


Re: Hi. - InsayneScrubalette - 07-09-2012

Oh my god!! I almost got choked up. That was soooo much fun! I'm sad though because I was hoping you had Glenn on your Facebook because I have been trying to find him like crazy!!! Willoughby is supposed to find him and tell him to get a hold of me. The Blaze serve is CLASSIC!! Do you have Bohemian Rhapsody somewhere on video? Glenns girlfriends name was Jess I remember that much. God that was good times.

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Re: Hi. - Autumn - 07-09-2012

Hey Howdy! And word, the gathering is so much more fun with a bunch of people.

Re: Hi. - capthowdy1027 - 07-09-2012

InsayneScrubalette Wrote:Do you have Bohemian Rhapsody somewhere on video? Glenns girlfriends name was Jess I remember that much. God that was good times.

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Ask and ye shall receive. It's about 10 minutes into this video...

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

You'll probably end up wasting an hour of your life and watching the whole thing though.

Re: Hi. - Enigma - 07-09-2012

sTr Wrote:
Star Wrote:I've lost all of my innocence...every time I see someone call str dp, it's like, oh la la, and then it takes me a few seconds to remember it stands for detroit psycho...

oo la la that dp makes you go oo la la
i always ALWAYS think that DP stands for double penetration when I first see it, and almost never snap to Detroit Psycho.

Re: Hi. - juggalogigolo - 07-09-2012
