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B6 Crushes <3 - Printable Version

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B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

Who, if anyone, that has regularly posted here have you ever had a crush on? I don't even know where to start, hahaha.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

Marie, and a few people that post here now that I just wont say bajaj.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - F-Disk - 07-07-2012


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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

ahahahahahahahaha Oh shit. I think my first b6 crush was evulninja. I used to talk to him on the phone for hours.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - sTr - 07-07-2012

mare, enigma, star (! think at one point)... ! can't remember all the old school ones...

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

I feel bad for misspelling her name now.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

Oh, Mare! haha. I was like who the fuck is/was Marie?! Mare is adorable. Star is gorge and I totally made out with her last year. I'm sure Fred still won't believe it.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

Pics or it DIDNT happen.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

No pics were taken, so it's whatever. :)

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

Anywho, I had a crush on evul, pp, gimpy, fred.. I think joshy at one point. Fluffy, too. haha. I'm a notorious crusher <3

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - sTr - 07-07-2012

you definitely are, ! remember you and penguin pulling all nighters a few times posting back and forth on the board back in the day...

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

bajaj, me f'real?

Thats awesome. I love getting noticed like that, makes me feel good. I'm not very confident in my looks :-\

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

Penguin is still delish, haha. I had a crush on Xavior, and Slacker, too. Fluff, you're ahhhhdorable!

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

bajaj oh stop.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012


Re: B6 Crushes <3 - sTr - 07-07-2012


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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012


Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

joshy, john the juggalo, STR. autumn, midgetfuxor, Slacker, fluff, and dub see.

i don't believe anyone here ever had a crush on me. but that's cuz i'm pretty down on myself most times.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

You'd be surprised ;)

You were actually one I didnt want to say. Didnt want to get stuff awkward on here or facebook.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

bajaj! my fb page makes me look way hotter than i am in person. but in person you can play with my boobs. which makes me a little hotter than i am in person.....did that make any sense?

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - sTr - 07-07-2012

bajaj, drunk posting = good times...

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

the alcohol is starting to wear off. that makes me a little sad.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

there was also an Andrew. i can't remember his alias or last name. in og times we raced to see who could get 1,000 posts first. i think he won. i had a mad crush on him. i know he was in MA for awhile, and i think he moved to DC for school. i think i crushed on him more than anyone. i spent HOURS on the phone with him while on and off b6.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

Larson, Andrew Larson. that's it. he was cranialentropy i believe.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

bajaj, Eggbomb!

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

yup. him. and he is on my fb, apparently. lol. thought he deleted me. was way excited to see he hadn't. lol.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

Whats his name?

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

Enigma Wrote:Larson, Andrew Larson. that's it. he was cranialentropy i believe.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

bajaj word, Im tired and asking questions that I already asked

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

it's sort of late, i understand. how do you have negative B6 bucks?!!!??

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

lol, I put a - sign on it so F-Brisk would stop robbing me.

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Enigma - 07-07-2012

oh bajaj! i was all, are you indebted to b6 for something?

B6 Crushes <3 - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2012

I always fancied autumn and Krystal above most. And Leslie don't you ever sell yourself short. <3

Re: B6 Crushes <3 - Autumn - 07-07-2012

I think if I actually drove when I started posting here, I would have met up with K$. It's not Like he lives that far from me. Girl crushes? Just about every chick that I spoke with on the regular. There are so many beauties that posted here, especially you Leslie. So stfu and Gtfo with that nonsense.

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Re: B6 Crushes <3 - FxXxckOff - 07-07-2012

NY and PA not too far ;)<3