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Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Printable Version

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Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Stoopid Dog - 07-06-2012

Lets go.

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - sTr - 07-06-2012

DDP on Raw, all that needs to said... Self high five, bitches!

Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - FxXxckOff - 07-06-2012

Haven't watched in a while. But the psycho sid appearance that one raw was what's up.

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Stoopid Dog - 07-06-2012

Wow, he is still alive?

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - sTr - 07-06-2012

yeah, !'m surprised he's able to walk after the shit that happened to his leg in his last wcw match...

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Autumn - 07-06-2012

Sid actually looked gooooood. I'm a Sid mark and I still think he's sexy. After seeing a lot of the legends at last years GOTJ, it's nice to see some old school wrestlers be able to move and actually put on a show.

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Stoopid Dog - 07-06-2012

I wish Scott Hall didnt loose his shit. He was epic.

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - sTr - 07-06-2012

he's never not been losing his shit....

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Stoopid Dog - 07-06-2012

bajaj....He is so out of shape, and into booze waaay to much now.

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Autumn - 07-06-2012

OMG, Hall is horrifying. :( Kevin Nash is still amazing, though.

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - sTr - 07-06-2012

there's a reason he's called "Last Call" Scott Hall....

Re: Wrestling Thread for The week of 6-8 to 6-14 - Stoopid Dog - 07-07-2012

I used to love it when he would throw the tooth pick at the camera. He was gangsta before gangsta was gangsta. HEEEEYYYYY YOOOOO