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1000 ways to die - Printable Version

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1000 ways to die - Grimlin - 07-06-2012

This show keeps me entertained for some strange reason.....Always laughing at the stupid shit they come up with. I wonder how much of those stories are true?

Re: 1000 ways to die - sTr - 07-06-2012

! used to know a guy that thought the number associated with each segment coordinated to the amount of each death. For example, he would tell me, "You know the 254th most common way to die is by suffocating due to the weight of your breasts". ! never told him he was an idiot, he was the type of person that would have argued his point...

Re: 1000 ways to die - Enigma - 07-06-2012

bajaj! i think all of them are real. i just wonder if the places are real. i have one on my dvr that has albuquerque in it. hah.

Re: 1000 ways to die - F-Disk - 07-06-2012

i think there possible ways to die not that all of them might be real though

Re: 1000 ways to die - sTr - 07-06-2012

yeah, some are a little ridiculous... if anything it's like a movies that's "based" on a true story....

Re: 1000 ways to die - Autumn - 07-06-2012

sTr Wrote:"You know the 254th most common way to die is by suffocating due to the weight of your breasts".

Should I be worried about this?!

Re: 1000 ways to die - Enigma - 07-07-2012

only if you hang upside down by your ankles for an extended period of time while taking narcotics and drinking heavily

Re: 1000 ways to die - Grimlin - 07-07-2012

Autumn Wrote:
sTr Wrote:"You know the 254th most common way to die is by suffocating due to the weight of your breasts".

Should I be worried about this?!


Re: 1000 ways to die - Autumn - 07-07-2012

I'm not planning on hanging upside down, and I only take narcotics when prescribed. I'm good.

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