Board 6
4th plans? - Printable Version

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4th plans? - sTr - 07-04-2012

what are you guys up to? !'m just gonna get drunk and watch fireworks. ! live roughly 2 blocks from where they shoot them off, fuck paying son! yo Yo YO

Re: 4th plans? - Grimlin - 07-04-2012

I'm doing the 4th

Re: 4th plans? - F-Disk - 07-05-2012

hahah i went and payed they put on a good show should a went man although paying 6 bucks a beer was the lame

tickets were only 6 bucks

Re: 4th plans? - sTr - 07-05-2012

! drank out of the back of my pick up truck like a real 'merican!

Re: 4th plans? - Grimlin - 07-05-2012

It gets harder and harder for me to enjoy the 4th now....I used to like fireworks.

Re: 4th plans? - Autumn - 07-05-2012

I grilled at my place, had bout 15 people over. Went swimming, and watched fireworks from my uncles yard. Fun day for me.

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Re: 4th plans? - TheB6Bitch - 07-05-2012

i was at work

Re: 4th plans? - Autumn - 07-05-2012

Boo work. It was a paid holiday for me.

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Re: 4th plans? - TheB6Bitch - 07-05-2012

i dont mind really we had a good time ! and i still got to see fireworks lol

Re: 4th plans? - sTr - 07-05-2012

! had an awesome night, needless to say !'m having a horrible day at work because of it.... bah humbug! Coffee

Re: 4th plans? - F-Disk - 07-05-2012

sTr Wrote:! had an awesome night, needless to say !'m having a horrible day at work because of it.... bah humbug! Coffee
i second this