Board 6
Tsk Tsk.... - Printable Version

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Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-13-2011

I have only been back for 5 minutes, but i can already see that this place has gone downhill quite a bit. I demand i be given mod or admin status and i promise that this board will be great once again. if elected, i will start by clearing out all juggalo faggotry from this place. the next order of business will include me leading a charge of sabotage against another message board until we shut it down. just like the good ole days!!! so what say you?

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - Grimlin - 04-14-2011

Good luck?

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-14-2011

you better watch out.....

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - tdot - 04-15-2011

doubt its going to happen, all the other boards have their guards up always bc of what we used to do, its like the fucking pentagon.. then a plane hit it...

too soon?

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-15-2011

more like too late. 9/11 jokes are so 2002.....

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - Grimlin - 04-15-2011

This board is can get people to come you just can't get them to stay and post.

We've done this before and it didn't really work.

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-16-2011

we try... sometimes....

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-18-2011

deleting posts are we?

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-19-2011

only spam posts

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-19-2011

just because i provide a link to a better message board thats considered spam? this place is so fucking dead i dont think anyone would notice anyway.

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-19-2011

blow me?

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-19-2011

you would like that too wouldnt you faggot.

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-20-2011

if you sucked my dick !'d still be straight

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - tdot - 04-20-2011


Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-20-2011

deleting more posts again. i'm probably the best fucking thing this board has seen in months how dare you deny me!

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - tdot - 04-21-2011

somebody has sand in the vagina

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-21-2011

yo dawg, your board blows and thats a fucking fact! it looks like your board averages one or two posts a week. but since i'v been back your getting like one post per day. see how i'm already making this place better? no but for real, fuck this place and do something about it.

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-21-2011

Are you like 12? ! could care less about anything you have to say

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Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-22-2011

nigga, king kong aint got shit on me!! i'm trying to introduce you guys to something better than this crap hole. or put me in a position to make this place better.

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - tdot - 04-24-2011

hold on.. he comes on the board to say its shit.. and to talk shit..

if my opinion is off doesn't that make him a hater? or am i off?

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-24-2011

no tdot. your just an idiot. like you always have been.

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - Insanecowposse - 04-24-2011

Ok post some shit then you don't have to be an admin to do that. Invite some peeps don't have to be an admin to do that either. You got the board riled up by talking shit now that you got our attention do something worthwhile..

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-24-2011

AJ98 Wrote:no tdot. your just an idiot. like you always have been.


Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-24-2011

good one grammar nazi.

and nigga, i already said make me an admin and i'd clean this place up. i'd start by banning half of the juggalo retards on this board. granted, 90 percent of the members on this board never post here. but hey now, its all about image! speaking of which, i'd then start with removing the gay ass banner at the top of this page. next, i'd make it a bannable offense for anyone who used the phrase "bajaja" instead of "agag". because that weak ass shit needs to stop. you think the new members i'd bring into this place would tolerate it either? i'd actually be doing you guys a favor. you think that 3 or 4 of you guys would be able to handle the hate you would get from the 100 + new users laughing at your stupid phrases? admit it, i';m the best fucking thing that has happened to this board in probably a solid year. from the looks of it, this place is drawing its last breath and i'm here trying to revive it.

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-24-2011


Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-24-2011

[Image: 1z1r22e.jpg]

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - Grimlin - 04-25-2011

The problem here is nobody really cares. People come back from time to time.Most of us are getting too old to be posting 24/7 on message boards anyways.

I've been around message boards for way too long.Couldn't tell you how many I've been members wouldn't handle the hate they get from just the few of us. We know how to scare away most members.Why you think this place is deserted? agagaga.....

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - sTr - 04-25-2011

we're more of a message board for old friends... if new people come, so be it. If not, big deal....

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Re: Tsk Tsk.... - AJ98 - 04-25-2011

oh it is a big deal. and i'm a big deal. you betta recognize now niggas!

Re: Tsk Tsk.... - tdot - 04-25-2011

im the idiot.. im not arguing on a msg board