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B6 Upgrade !!! - TheB6Bitch - 11-28-2010

Michael Wade
you know youre bored when you have to keep hitting refresh on facebook... ugh.

Melissa Day hahaha ahh the story of my life

Michael Wade Eh I used to refresh constantly @ b6 lol

Melissa Day im doing that also lol

Michael Wade Lol too bad it didn't have live feed... that would have been hi tec back in the day lmao

Melissa Day omg that woulda been so bad ass we should tell stephan that lol maybe hell upgrade lol

Michael Wade Hahaha we could call it b6book..

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - sTr - 11-28-2010


Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - Autumn - 11-29-2010

I'd write actively on a b6book. ;)

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - TheB6Bitch - 11-29-2010

me too!

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - sTr - 11-29-2010

explain what you want now?

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - Insanecowposse - 11-29-2010

Once upon a time in b6 land there lived a happy bunh of people like STR and grimlin and paulleh and they frolicked in the woods showing off their goatse. Then one day they started a message board but it wasn't enough and it got dead at times so they made a song and posted more tits and called each other ghey but that wasn't enough so they wrote a book a B6 book so that there was a historical namesake remembering how awesomely strange and disgusting and cool they were.

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - TheB6Bitch - 11-29-2010

it would have live feed updates like facebook lol where we would have our own little B6Book as you would say lol

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - tdot - 11-30-2010

Insanecowposse Wrote:Once upon a time in b6 land there lived a happy bunh of people like STR and grimlin and paulleh and they frolicked in the woods showing off their goatse. Then one day they started a message board but it wasn't enough and it got dead at times so they made a song and posted more tits and called each other ghey but that wasn't enough so they wrote a book a B6 book so that there was a historical namesake remembering how awesomely strange and disgusting and cool they were.
way to catch the joke on that one bajaj

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - Autumn - 11-30-2010

Yeah, like we can update every day, every hour.. whatever. I only came back here because of Melissa, haha.

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - TheB6Bitch - 11-30-2010

:) yippee i knew if i kept talking about one of you would come back now help me with the rest lol

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - Autumn - 11-30-2010

Yeah, Stephan, get on this! We can keep the message board, but do something like a Facebook, b6 style.

Re: B6 Upgrade !!! - sTr - 11-30-2010

!'ll make something happen....