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Weezer offered 10 million to quit - Printable Version

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Weezer offered 10 million to quit - Insanecowposse - 10-08-2010

Weezer has been offered $10 million to quit, with the band responding by saying double it and we've got a deal. Seattle resident James Burns has embarked on the campaign to raise $10 million in hopes of silencing the alternative rockers for good.

Burns admits to not being a Weezer fan and say his motivation is for all those who are supporters of the band, according to Seattlest. "This is an abusive relationship, and it needs to stop now. I am tired of my friends being disappointed year after year," Burns has been quoted as saying.

Weezer has responded to the $10 million offer to quit with a statement of its own, as drummer Patrick Wilson said on Twitter the band would deliver a "deluxe" breakup for the meager sum of $20 million.

The response, of course, is just as silly as the premise. Burns is clearly trying to make a public splash with the announcement, as there's no way he is going to come up with the money. He is simply trying to take a very public stand against Weezer.

Which is a strange position given the amount of terrible music being produced these days. Weezer has admittedly not been consistent since the early days, but they are hardly the worst offenders on the air waves. Turn on pop radio for an hour the next time you're in your car, and you'll end up A) With your ears 't bleeding and B) hearing the same six songs in various order.

Kudos to Weezer for taking the offer with a sense of humor and responding in entertaining fashion. And one has to imagine the band would happily step down if Burns came up with $20 million. It's a win-win situation for the band members.

And a funny situation overall. Good luck to Burns on his quest, but he's going to have to hold one heck of a bake sale to drum up the chunk of change he's looking for. And he's going to have to double it to satisfy the people he's trying to silence.

Burns may be seeking more, but all he's likely to get in this quest is everyone's two cents.

Re: Weezer offered 10 million to quit - sTr - 10-08-2010

this would be epic

Re: Weezer offered 10 million to quit - dirtymonkey22 - 10-08-2010

i couldent care either way with weezer i wish they would do that with some of the pop and hiphop artist

Re: Weezer offered 10 million to quit - N-Do - 10-08-2010

This should become common place.

Re: Weezer offered 10 million to quit - Insanecowposse - 10-09-2010

who would you pay to quit if you had the money?

Re: Weezer offered 10 million to quit - Slacker - 10-10-2010


Re: Weezer offered 10 million to quit - sTr - 10-10-2010

^ agrees ^

Re: Weezer offered 10 million to quit - N-Do - 10-15-2010

10 Million is ass-wiping money to icp.