Board 6
disney buys marvel - Printable Version

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Re: disney buys marvel - Slacker - 09-08-2009

Hang Loose

Re: disney buys marvel - dirtymonkey22 - 09-09-2009

i was just reading pixar is in talks about doing a ant man movie and it still might be live action.
i guess pixar is already doing a live action movie and is possibly doing ant man

Re: disney buys marvel - Slacker - 09-09-2009

word, that could be pretty cool

Re: disney buys marvel - XIII - 09-09-2009

Wait... so Pixar is doing a live action movie? Ghey.

Re: disney buys marvel - sTr - 09-09-2009

That's unfair, disney had to make the same transition at one time, and look at them now.

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Re: disney buys marvel - XIII - 09-09-2009

Sorry, I'm pissed that Disney has abandoned 2d animation (yes, I know about the frog princess, and I am excited), and now Pixar is starting to veer from animation.

It's like if Judge Judy does a sitcom. Or ICP does country.

Just because you do one thing right, doesn't mean you should move on before you perfect it.