Board 6
hate machine = son'd - Printable Version

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Re: hate machine = son'd - NEKESTRO - 08-08-2009

if it wasnt for the infultration at i wouldnt be here...i never thought these words would ever leave my mouth but... spam on brothers.

Re: hate machine = son'd - sTr - 08-08-2009

bajaj, you are the man....

Re: hate machine = son'd - tdot - 08-09-2009

if we take half the people here and spam 4chan shit could get done easy

i know theres many people here that like to cause shit

Re: hate machine = son'd - Paullehh - 08-09-2009

Seriously can't be fucked spamming more now, it is fun watching people get all wound up.
They defo got our name in there heads ;)

Re: hate machine = son'd - sTr - 08-09-2009

~<--- shit causin negro right here...

Re: hate machine = son'd - SciRob - 08-10-2009

This is why I refuse to even post a link to the site I help run. For fear of you dumbasses infecting it.

Re: hate machine = son'd - sTr - 08-10-2009

It's cool, ! Think you're straight.. we wouldn't hoe anyone out from here, we're not that big of dicks, at least !'m not....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: hate machine = son'd - tdot - 08-10-2009

depends on if u piss us off or not...

Re: hate machine = son'd - SciRob - 08-10-2009

Eh, I'm not gonna take the chance though.

Re: hate machine = son'd - sTr - 08-10-2009

think about it this way... you know my board...

Re: hate machine = son'd - SciRob - 08-11-2009

which knows that board who knows that board?

Re: hate machine = son'd - TimTheStoolManTaylor - 08-11-2009

pretty much gay. any good out turn out of all of this???

Re: hate machine = son'd - Paullehh - 08-12-2009

Paullehh Wrote:
TimTheStoolManTaylor Wrote:pretty much gay. any good out turn out of all of this???
Yes, there general chat section was completely deleted plus...
The best win is..
this is what any internet user will see now if they log onto
Aint nobody going to visit or join that shit anymore.
[Image: mjw9ih.jpg]

Re: hate machine = son'd - sTr - 08-12-2009

As ! Always say, sucks to be a sucker....

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: hate machine = son'd - SciRob - 08-12-2009

Well if it helps to keep morons from posting stupid shit then okay.

Re: hate machine = son'd - Paullehh - 08-12-2009

JfHM SciRob Wrote:Well if it helps to keep morons from posting stupid shit then okay.
Only people that will stop are potential new members.

It's going to realy fuck them off when they see the board spammed again despite them doing all this shit.

Re: hate machine = son'd - SciRob - 08-12-2009

True. Why do you think I'm so hesitant about posting the site I help run?

Re: hate machine = son'd - SciRob - 08-12-2009

And now a message from Dazed Smoker of Hate Machine

You guys are fucking retarded to think that you took over our board and shut it down,
The only reason you are seeing that is because I blocked you completely, you're done spamming your shitty board on ours
stop trying to act like internet tough guys, and go promote
and fail like the rest of the shitty forums do considering
that's how hard you fail anyways.
Have fun posting with the same 5 members talking shit and acting tough to eachother thinking you can actually hack. Fuck off and die kthxbai. - Dazed Smoker

Re: hate machine = son'd - Paullehh - 08-12-2009

I love how he's still stupid enough to think he blocked our real IP addresses.
There are another 19329393930 ip addresses to post under. Google + proxy list + pick one you like ;)

Re: hate machine = son'd - sTr - 08-12-2009

yeah, the people that run that site are oblivious to how the internet works... and his forums is on a free hosting plan with ads, how gay....

Re: hate machine = son'd - Star - 08-12-2009

you guys were busy. this is where the new people came from?

Re: hate machine = son'd - sTr - 08-12-2009

hell yeah... it was boring, so ! figured !'d put my time and annoying personality to work...

Re: hate machine = son'd - Slacker - 08-16-2009

JfHM SciRob Wrote:And now a message from Dazed Smoker of Hate Machine

You guys are fucking retarded to think that you took over our board and shut it down,
The only reason you are seeing that is because I blocked you completely, you're done spamming your shitty board on ours
stop trying to act like internet tough guys, and go promote
and fail like the rest of the shitty forums do considering
that's how hard you fail anyways.
Have fun posting with the same 5 members talking shit and acting tough to eachother thinking you can actually hack. Fuck off and die kthxbai. - Dazed Smoker

a/s/l babes?