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how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Printable Version

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Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Grimlin - 07-29-2009

Joe Wrote:how do you all know what semen tastes like to compare to it a chicks pussy juice?

That question was rolling around in my mind too...

ROFLMAO at this thread....I vote this best argumentative thread ever...

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

I gave a answer to that shit right bellow it :)

Fucker is retarded for thinking his jizz will taste like a pussy.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - sTr - 07-29-2009

Slacker Wrote:you dudes just love to argue

to me the only way you can fail at a blowjob is by not putting it in the mouth

also, this is the best part of any post yet on the new b6

XIII Wrote:some sort of semen tyrant

i salute you

word, as ! was reading this awesome thread when that line caught my attention as well, ! had to make my way all the way to the bottom and saw you had commented on it as well.... XIII you just earned extra sexyness for that line....

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Grimlin - 07-29-2009

I know,that was before i got far enough to your answer(at that point i was laughing).But you gotta admit this thread is hilarious....

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - sTr - 07-29-2009

oh hell yeah, this is the best dispute so far.... they just get better and better...

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

I thought the whole "i'm a science major, so i know" was the bestist funny

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:I thought the whole "i'm a science major, so i know" was the bestist funny
Don't misquote me please.

I said I know the constituents. Which is basically mucous-based lubricant. Which tastes the same. Pussies have slightly more acid in them, and can have a lower ph, which could make it sour.

Semen is neutral and therefore wouldn't have a strong taste.

But as far as swallowing goes, it is comparable... for a guy to swallow pussy juice compared to a girl swallowing semen.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

1-Pussy juice is lube
2- semen is for reproduction and fundamentally different containing proteins and other shit not found in pussy juice
3-you don't need to swallow semen to realise it's salty slime
4- if your girls pussy tastes like salty slime then either she is diseased or you been eating out prostitutes at the end of a busy night.
5-the quote was direct from your post and it's funny

stereotypical science geeks are the last people to ask about pussy.

made me think of "hey guys i've been in the lab all night and i've finaly found what pussy tastes like"

Pussy juice tastes ok...spunk is vile horrid shit.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:stereotypical science geeks are the last people to ask about pussy.
Message board-dwelling know nothings are the go-to guys on pussy.

Do you know what the word constituent means?

Did you know that semen contains lube? The same lube found in pussies? No, of course not.

You know what, never mind.

I eat my girlfriend's pussy... the taste is fine.

She swallows my jizz... doesn't complain about it.

So, who cares?

I'm just saying, you're acting like jizz is this poison that should be spit out immediately, but pussy juice is like, the nectar of the gods. It's not... it's bodily fluid. And I honestly feel that if she doesn't want to swallow my bodily fluids, I'm not obligated to swallow hers.

That's my argument. You haven't changed me, or proven me wrong. I haven't changed you, and even if I did prove you wrong, you'd still cycle back your old argument.

So, yeah, done here.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

XIII Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:stereotypical science geeks are the last people to ask about pussy.
Message board-dwelling know nothings are the go-to guys on pussy.

Do you know what the word constituent means?

Did you know that semen contains lube? The same lube found in pussies? No, of course not.

You know what, never mind.

I eat my girlfriend's pussy... the taste is fine.

She swallows my jizz... doesn't complain about it.

So, who cares?

I'm just saying, you're acting like jizz is this poison that should be spit out immediately, but pussy juice is like, the nectar of the gods. It's not... it's bodily fluid. And I honestly feel that if she doesn't want to swallow my bodily fluids, I'm not obligated to swallow hers.

That's my argument. You haven't changed me, or proven me wrong. I haven't changed you, and even if I did prove you wrong, you'd still cycle back your old argument.

So, yeah, done here.
How is the word constituent relevent to any of this? ...are you completely insane?

I never said they should spit dumby, i said it dosn't matter once you have shot your muck if they swallow or spit.

You sir, are a complete moron, please go on thinking that pussy tastes like spunk... good luck with that.
Your girls pussy must be rotten.

pussy tastes nothing like spunk-FACT!

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Constituent is relevant because semen isn't just "muck," and vaginal fluid isn't just "lube."

Once again, your mind has over-simplified a complex concept in order for you to grasp it.

Like I said, I'm not going to argue with you over every single topic on here, cuz it's getting old. Seriously, I dunno if you're doing this like... because people expect it, or if you were born missing a few chromosomes.

I'm gonna go ahead and be the internet tough-guy that I always make fun of just to let you know that if you, or anyone for that matter, talked about my girlfriend and/or her pussy, they'd get knocked the fuck out. Please, if someone's not involved in an argument, don't bring them here. I'm not saying this to be funny, or to be an asshole, it's something that you should learn before you talk shit to the wrong person and get punched in the mouth.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Slacker - 07-29-2009

this thread delivers!

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Slacker Wrote:this thread delivers!
That's why they call me the Post Man.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

XIII Wrote:Constituent is relevant because semen isn't just "muck," and vaginal fluid isn't just "lube."
Once again, your mind has over-simplified a complex concept in order for you to grasp it.
So this is relevent how? because some of the same things are common in both, this means they taste the same and are the same?
It is you who can not grasp that semen tastes nothing like pussy and it's hysterical for me and i shall continue to play with this as long as i'm reading it.

XIII Wrote:I said, I'm not going to argue with you over every single topic on here, cuz it's getting old.

Yet here we are again Happy
XIII Wrote:Seriously, I dunno if you're doing this like... because people expect it, or if you were born missing a few chromosomes.

I'm gonna go ahead and be the internet tough-guy that I always make fun of just to let you know that if you, or anyone for that matter, talked about my girlfriend and/or her pussy, they'd get knocked the fuck out. Please, if someone's not involved in an argument, don't bring them here. I'm not saying this to be funny, or to be an asshole, it's something that you should learn before you talk shit to the wrong person and get punched in the mouth.
You told me she has a pussy that tastes like spunk...
If that is a fact then it's also a fact that she has one rotten pussy.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Do you not know when to stop? Please stop calling my girlfriend's pussy rotten. I'm not laughing. Call me dumb, moron, whatever... but don't talk about people that aren't here to defend themselves. I never said, "My girlfriend's pussy tastes like semen." I simply said they contain a lot of the same things. YOU came up with that.

You asked how I could compare swallowing semen and swallowing vaginal secretion... here's my final answer: they're both bodily fluids that are not harmful to your health, and therefore if I can do it so can she.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

You said it tastes the same multiple times.
Now you wish to say you were only saying that it contained some of the same elements?

You also automaticly implied that the taste of your girls pussy is the same as semen.
Therefor i conclude that you said she has a rotten pussy first and i just confirmed this for you.
Punch yourself in the mouth.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Dude, just chill.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

-chilled with some vodka cokes and wondering how to wind you up next.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Yeah, just to let you in on some important facts:

Everyone in this thread quoted ME and said they laughed.

The only person laughing at your childish name calling is yourself.

You killed the thread by just saying stuff to intentionally piss me off, and as much as I don't want to admit it, it worked.

Seriously, don't piss people off on the other side of the fucking ocean from you. Especially when I can see in your pics what a wimpy faggot you are, it just kills me inside that I can't turn you into a ball of mangled bones right now.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - sTr - 07-29-2009

can't we all just get along...

[Image: Planet-of-the-Apes-Photograph-C11797467_t250.jpeg]

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

I can handle debates just fine, but it really gets under my skin when people intentionally say things to piss me off knowing they can get away with it.

I mean, stay on topic, don't start saying my girlfriend's got jizz in her twat and that her pussy's rotten.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

XIII Wrote:Yeah, just to let you in on some important facts:

Everyone in this thread quoted ME and said they laughed.

The only person laughing at your childish name calling is yourself.

You killed the thread by just saying stuff to intentionally piss me off, and as much as I don't want to admit it, it worked.

Seriously, don't piss people off on the other side of the fucking ocean from you. Especially when I can see in your pics what a wimpy faggot you are, it just kills me inside that I can't turn you into a ball of mangled bones right now.
Ohhh "wimpy little faggot" i never knew you cared.
I bet you'd be dumb as shit and a easy target for biting the nose clean off your face :)

also you said her pussy tastes like jizz.
Therefor she does have a rotten twat.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Biting the nose off my face? Is that how people fight over there? Seriously? You honestly think you'd get close enough to my face?

Do you guys like, kiss before fights or something?

Or do you assume I'll give you the handicap of fighting with both my hands behind my back?

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - sTr - 07-29-2009

bajaj @ kissing before fighting... it throws em off guard...

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Slacker - 07-29-2009

dear b6,
i love you baby.
dont ever change.
lots of love,

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

For real. Lunging towards me with your mouth open will only worsen the impact of my fist to your face. True story.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

bajaj @ thinking lungeing with mouth open... that's why you would get mauled most likely
Even if you did have a fight with me and win, at the end you would be needing some facial surgery.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:bajaj @ thinking lungeing with mouth open... that's why you would get mauled most likely
Even if you did have a fight with me and win, at the end you would be needing some facial surgery.
How the hell else would your teeth touch my nose, dude? Are you an alien from them Sigourney Weaver movies?

Edit: Xenomorph! Couldn't think of the name.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

Infact fuck your whole bullshit threat.
Come over and scrap if you feel that strongly otherwise just go eat some more spunk infested pussy.
If she tastes like cum that's because while you are at work some nigger is coming over and banging her.
You taste him!

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Ok, now we're just talking nonsense here.

Honestly, if you like debating me, it's cool... but don't make fun of loved ones, because that kills it.

Sorry I ruined your thread, insanecow.... but quite honestly, that link was fucking vile, and you deserve to be ruined for that.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

bajajaj @ i was editing my post as you replied.
Now it's more funny

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

So... you're what? 12 years old?

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

You trying to pick me up now?

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - XIII - 07-29-2009

Paullehh Wrote:You trying to pick me up now?
Whatever, you're getting demoted from being a mod, cuz you're a punk. Just so ya know. No one thinks you're clever. You should consider learning your limits.

Re: how the hell do you fuck up a BJ? - Paullehh - 07-29-2009

-Never moderated a thing on this forum.
I might be a punk and i might be a asshole but you are still dumb enough to think that a pussy tastes like sperm.