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! left my stupid phone at home.... - Printable Version

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Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

I'm running vista x64 whilst not going to give the best results out my hardware it will still anahalate any mac.

I'm assuming you have the most powerfull mac available at this moment as your pitching it against the fastest PC available.

There are benching softwares That will do the same tasks on both systems to test, asking around justnow on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m --> what the most fair tests would be.
Will get back to ya with some.
What is the spec of the machine you are using justnow anyway?

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

[Image: Picture1-23.png]
[Image: Picture2-7.png]
and just for fun...
[Image: Picture3-2.png]

I'm telling ya man... numbers don't matter. It's about OS efficiency. That's what matters.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

XIII Wrote:[Image: Picture1-23.png]
[Image: Picture2-7.png]
and just for fun...
[Image: Picture3-2.png]

I'm telling ya man... numbers don't matter. It's about OS efficiency. That's what matters.
The OS matters yes, but not to the rate that it will make that compete anywhere even remotely close to my rig.
I think your dreaming if you think that machine is even anywhere you could concider as close to a i7.
Old xeon chip from intell just wont cut it even if you freeze it in LN2 and hit it up over 5ghz.
The phrase "you can't polish a turd" comes to mind.

LOL numbers matter a fucking hell of alot, as you shall find out when your machine gets it's ass handed to it benchmarking.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

<---- polishes mad turds.....

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

Bahaha i've been waiting for a chance to use that one for a little while.
Not that the old Xeon cpu is a turd, it's not, but to think that it can compete with a i7 on any platform is more than a little silly.

XIII here is a ap for compairing mac and pc.
I'm using my older core2 duo system tonight but will be home on the i7 tomorrow.
I think my old far slower core 2 duo will still beat that mac though so you can bench it against both systems.

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Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

i7s aren't even available on mac, so I dunno... I'll take your word for it. I really don't feel like doing tests. Cuz they'll just produce more numbers, really.

I believe you that your rig is probably faster than mine. But believe me when I say mine's really fucking fast too. And I do heavy work on it. Like I said, I edit videos for CNN at 1080p/60fps. In my spare time I like to animate shit using the same stuff Pixar uses. And that shit's heavy duty.

Not to mention I do both simultaneously. And all my media is integrated to drag-and-drop capabilities. I remember doing shit on windows I had to move files around manually before I did anything like this. It's really a bore.

What I'm trying to say is that no matter how fast the computer is, if it makes the user do more things, there's more room for mistake, and it does take longer. Hence, numbers don't matter to me.

What matters is how well I can work with what I have.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

-encodes full length movies in under 5 mins.

Here is a ap for compairing macs and pc's.
my far slower core 2 duo system will beat your mac never mind the i7.
Lets test it against both.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Ms Felony - 07-15-2009

thats why people use macs for serious designing and animation, they just work more efficiently for that stuff.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

Not atall, most work is done on pc nowadays, Some work is easier on a mac platform though.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Ms Felony - 07-15-2009

throws toys out of the pram, never mind.

I'm not gonna get into it cause I can't be bothered.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Not atall, most work is done on pc nowadays, Some work is easier on a mac platform though.
Not in media, it's not. The computers I use at work are "slower" than the ones I use here, and they're fine.

The only people that use windows computers are the people that do research cuz they use Firefox, Outlook, and Excell. That's all. Anyone with serious work to do is given a mac to use. For good reason. The windows ones freeze and stall trying to do those measly tasks, while the macs just plow through whatever assignments they're given.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

XIII Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:Not atall, most work is done on pc nowadays, Some work is easier on a mac platform though.
Not in media, it's not. The computers I use at work are "slower" than the ones I use here, and they're fine.

The only people that use windows computers are the people that do research cuz they use Firefox, Outlook, and Excell. That's all. Anyone with serious work to do is given a mac to use. For good reason. The windows ones freeze and stall trying to do those measly tasks, while the macs just plow through whatever assignments they're given.
Nothing you can do about people building pc's with shit components, that's why i build my own.
Edit: looking back at your spec i might have been a bit hasty asumeing it's core2 based xeons.
Is that the "nehalem" core xeon? and there are two of em?
If so then the mac might win in server related cpu intesive tasks, as xeons process things that way and the nehalem core ones are excellent.
If they are i would be extremely interested at the comparisons, in 3d audio memory etc you got no chance at coming close but those xeons (provided they are the new nehalem core (i7 based) should do extremely well..

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Paullehh Wrote:
XIII Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:Not atall, most work is done on pc nowadays, Some work is easier on a mac platform though.
Not in media, it's not. The computers I use at work are "slower" than the ones I use here, and they're fine.

The only people that use windows computers are the people that do research cuz they use Firefox, Outlook, and Excell. That's all. Anyone with serious work to do is given a mac to use. For good reason. The windows ones freeze and stall trying to do those measly tasks, while the macs just plow through whatever assignments they're given.
Nothing you can do about people building pc's with shit components, that's why i build my own.
That's why windows computers are called "PC's" and macs are just macs, I suppose.

Like I said, it's great for those who really know how to get the most out of it. But I reaaaaally don't know shit about that. So I trust mac, and they never let me down. Is there anything you can do that I can't? Other than certain Windows-specific games?

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

Games is a pretty big advantage.
Overclocking and generaly being way faster is somthing i can do you can't on your mac also.
Also the drivers for all mac hardware are from apple and not the hardware manufacturers so your gimped straight away as the manu drivers obviously use there own tech better.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

See, but I've never seen the downsides of what you're saying. So, it doesn't really bother me. I hate "drivers." I remember once my PC lost the driver to the CD burner. But it had the CD player. So even though I had a CD burner, I couldn't do it. That shit never happens with this computer.

Overclocking, like I said, is best left to those who know. That's not me.

So, honestly, I see no reason for me to want Windows.

But for some reason people like fluffy, and such like to call mac users all "stupid," and call their computers "inferior." But I mean... they're really not.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Also, encoding and rendering are not the same. I can encode a full length video in 10 secs.

It's on a mac using windows software through a browser. Makes my head spin.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

windows is like the us government, we all hate it yet most of us support it. honastly ! wish ! had better alternatives then windows/mac... linux is nice, but you lose more then you gain when you make the switch. one day it won't matter !'m sure, everything will be seamless and multi-platform.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Google's making an OS, but they're just as "evil corporation" as Microsacks.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

android is awesome as a mobile platform, but Chrome as a browser didn't do anything for me, so ! would imagine the OS would be the same. Don't get me wrong, !'ll still give it a dabble, but that's most likely about it....

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

I used a demo of it, and everything is all browser-oriented. Like I said I used a windows program on a mac through a browser? It behaves like that. But it's pretty simple at the same time. Extremely open-source friendly. I think it's a good alternative to Win. Better than Linux, honestly.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

Gooogles OS is for netbooks, it wont be any use to the majority of us.
XIII you can not complete full movie video encoding tasks in 10 seconds, You are reffering to doing somthing else...
Obviously rendering is not the same thing.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

Paullehh Wrote:Gooogles OS is for netbooks, it wont be any use to the majority of us.
XIII you can not complete full movie video encoding tasks in 10 seconds, You are reffering to doing somthing else...
Obviously rendering is not the same thing.
Well, I dunno what you mean by encoding, then. The task I do is also called encoding. It's taking a complete video, creating a file with list of information about it, and then attaching the video to the file.

It's what we do at CNN to put videos up on the internet.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

Yeh, i was talking about taking a whole thing and chnaging the lot to another format on another codec.
I wish there were cpu's to do it in 10 seconds for a full length movie, that would be awsome.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - XIII - 07-15-2009

I guess "encoding" is a general term. I've never had to change format of a video.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

I mostly only do it as a cpu intensive task for stress testing and benchmarking purposes.

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - sTr - 07-15-2009

hey, another off subject question, ! need a good mkv to avi converter, any suggestions?

Re: ! left my stupid phone at home.... - Paullehh - 07-15-2009

STRetard Wrote:hey, another off subject question, ! need a good mkv to avi converter, any suggestions?