Board 6
Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Printable Version

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Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Alyzzia - 07-16-2009

XIII Wrote:I'm against it.


I won't use any you put up then sir. ;)

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - dirtymonkey22 - 07-16-2009

Alyzzia Wrote:Is it alright if I take some of these to put on my site? Is anyone against it?
go right ahead unless theres money involved and post this so called site

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - dirtymonkey22 - 07-17-2009

[Image: motivatora183b599af58c4.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Alyzzia - 07-17-2009


That guy looks creepy as fuck too.

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Autumn - 07-17-2009

this is incredible. :)

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - dirtymonkey22 - 07-18-2009

i wish more people would make some

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 07-18-2009

[Image: motivatorae6a222180a010.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 07-18-2009

[Image: motivator49db86e30a59db.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 07-18-2009

[Image: motivatorc7733cb0015529.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - dirtymonkey22 - 07-18-2009

Insanecowposse Wrote:[Image: motivatorc7733cb0015529.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Ms Felony - 07-18-2009

I don't have any good ideas at the mo....

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - sTr - 07-18-2009

[Image: everything_jpg38d5ffc1-a6f5-496c-94e2-4f78f7571969.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - dirtymonkey22 - 07-19-2009

[Image: motivator42bc3df690dc66.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 07-19-2009

not mine but funny
[Image: giant66.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 07-19-2009

[Image: motivator74ab37b6484582.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - sTr - 08-17-2009

[Image: 13424-SLAVERY_REINSTATED-Catch_yourself_...ng_one.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

oh shit stephan that was raw!!

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Slacker - 08-18-2009

had to be done

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 08-18-2009

[Image: motivator84b3f160a0c4ff.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Enigma - 08-18-2009

dirtymonkey22 Wrote:[Image: motivatorc6a489b327ae12.jpg]
.................i don't get it..................... :(

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - sTr - 08-18-2009

! think he was just trying to say ! was being raped, not sure either....

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Enigma - 08-18-2009

bajaj. maybe your brain is being summoned from your head, but i don't see rape going on there....

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - sTr - 08-18-2009

maybe !'m raping you with my eyes....

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

the dude in the back looked scary and about to attack and stephan looked kinda ghey and scared so Rape was in the near future.

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - dirtymonkey22 - 08-19-2009

Enigma Wrote:
dirtymonkey22 Wrote:[Image: motivatorc6a489b327ae12.jpg]
.................i don't get it..................... :(
well for one strs the smallest in the pic and he looks gehy and scarded and the other 2 look like they have done a little rapeing come on look at strs face then look at the other 2
and i have met the other 2 and they will rape you and give you aides

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 08-19-2009

he was raped but they cut that part of the video thats why he smiles so much

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - sTr - 08-22-2009

[Image: demotivate.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 08-22-2009

damn thats one ugly beast.

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Enigma - 08-22-2009

sTr Wrote:[Image: demotivate.jpg]

bajaj! i almost peed myself.

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 08-23-2009

[Image: motivatorca813899eeda92.jpg]

Re: Create Your Own Demotivational Posters - Insanecowposse - 08-23-2009

[Image: motivator5c760af9512efa.jpg]