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I really hope someone can help me.... - Printable Version

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Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - evulninja - 07-10-2009

it would have to be someone black.. because they dont make a huge deal about white people dying. if will smith died it would be worse than michael jackson for example.. when dimebag darrell died they didnt even hardly mention it on t.v. and he was my favorite musicaian.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Autumn - 07-10-2009

I've heard more about Dimebag within my inner circle, then just about anyone else ever dying in this world. F'reals.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - evulninja - 07-10-2009

yeah but not on t.v. they did a couple specials on vh1 and mtv but that was it.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Autumn - 07-10-2009

Well, although Dimebag was a favorite of many people, he was never the caliber MJ was. Pantera was big, but not that big.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - evulninja - 07-10-2009

yeah i know but it would have been nice to see a little bit more about it.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Autumn - 07-10-2009

I agree, but I was never into Pantera.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - evulninja - 07-10-2009

they are one of my favorite bands. its fucked up

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Slacker - 07-10-2009

Dimebag was more talented than MJ

sure jacko could dance but have you heard how bone crushingly awesome the riff in suicide note part II is?

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - XIII - 07-10-2009

Dimebag was good at what he did, but he only did one thing.

More talent, no.

More your style, sure.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Slacker - 07-10-2009

more my style indeed, but i also think he was a talented dude....mike couldn't bust those riffs out, or produce his music on his own

at the end of the day he was (really) just a singer and a dancer

a very talented one, no doubt...

MJ's death (although tragic) wasn't in anyway as fucked as Dime getting shot in the face on stage....something which should have made more of an impact in the media (regardless of the bands success)

Dime also didnt fuck children, which was nice

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - XIII - 07-10-2009

Neither did Michael Jackson.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Paullehh - 07-10-2009

Why did they find all those pictures of naked kids in his house??
Also there are a few kids saying he was a touching them n shit.
Don't look good.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Slacker - 07-10-2009


Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - XIII - 07-10-2009

I never heard of pictures of naked kids. But either way, that could be taken out of context. My mom has pictures of me as a baby taking a shit, sitting in the tub, running around naked. She never molested me.

The kids were told to say that by their parents so that they could get hush money.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - XIII - 07-10-2009

It's not an argument. arguments are based on facts. This guy's passing tabloid shit as fact. I'm not gonna discuss this any further. There is no evidence of Michael molesting kids. He took care of kids, that's it.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Paullehh - 07-10-2009

They raided his ranch back when the shit first came out and found a photo album full of pictures of different naked kids.
Gotta also ask why he would pay so much hush money if there was no evidence to support the claims.
It's not conclusive sure but it's not conclusive that he didn't either, far from it.
Weighing up how weird he is (especialy when it comes to kids) along with all else i deduce in most probability he did fuck kids.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Slacker - 07-10-2009

only a select few people actually know the being the late MJ himself

and because this is the internet, i can specualte

and i speculate that MJ possibly potentially had little boys balls on his breath

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Paullehh - 07-10-2009

That's what i'm sayin

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - XIII - 07-10-2009

Paullehh Wrote:They raided his ranch back when the shit first came out and found a photo album full of pictures of different naked kids.
Gotta also ask why he would pay so much hush money if there was no evidence to support the claims.
It's not conclusive sure but it's not conclusive that he didn't either, far from it.
Weighing up how weird he is (especialy when it comes to kids) along with all else i deduce in most probability he did fuck kids.

Atheist detected.

No proof = believe the most fucked up thing possible.

You're most likely wrong.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - XIII - 07-10-2009

Michael Jackson wasn't gay. Why do people assume that he liked little boys?

God, people are so hypocritical. Everything's all "Be open minded, equal rights for all," and you don't even know the difference between gay people and pedophiles. Done here.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Paullehh - 07-10-2009

XIII Wrote:
Paullehh Wrote:They raided his ranch back when the shit first came out and found a photo album full of pictures of different naked kids.
Gotta also ask why he would pay so much hush money if there was no evidence to support the claims.
It's not conclusive sure but it's not conclusive that he didn't either, far from it.
Weighing up how weird he is (especialy when it comes to kids) along with all else i deduce in most probability he did fuck kids.

Atheist detected.

No proof = believe the most fucked up thing possible.

You're most likely wrong.
Like i posted, it's weighed up from the facts and probability and not conclusive.
Certainly more pointing at guilt than innocence.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Slacker - 07-10-2009

are you randy jackson?

chill man, this is the internet....we think everyone is a gay pedo

srsly though, MJ most likely didnt do shit and was probably just misunderstood....but motherfucker was wierd and did his public image no favours

that being said, who am i to say that a multi-millionaire cant do some underage touchage if he pleases? [or not depending on your viewpoint]

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Grimlin - 07-10-2009

Hanging a baby off the edge of a railing didn't help his image either.

Rather he had a good grip or not,I'm just glad that baby didn't slip out of his hands.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Grimlin - 07-10-2009

evulninja Wrote:if will smith died

Holy just named somebody i completely forgot about.....

I'd be frigging sad as hell if he died....not one person doesn't know Will Smith.I don't know anybody that doesn't like him either.

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Slacker - 07-10-2009


Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Grimlin - 07-10-2009


Damn straight!!

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Paullehh - 07-10-2009

Slacker Wrote:chill man, this is the internet...everyone is a gay pedo

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - sTr - 07-10-2009

! could see will smith... butt fuck scientologists....

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - Slacker - 07-10-2009


Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - sTr - 07-10-2009

! hope they shit their life's out....

Re: I really hope someone can help me.... - XIII - 07-10-2009

Will Smith isn't a scientologist... he's Tom Cruise's friend.

"Do you have to be Jewish to be Steven Spielberg's friend?" ~Will Smith, when asked if he's converting to Scientology.

My bad if I sounded over-defensive, but people have really been assholes lately. As much as there are people genuinely upset/respectful... there are just as many people saying, "Good fuck him, he's a molester." And it's like, "Dude, chill out... being accused doesn't make you guilty."