Board 6
Hurricane Sandy - Printable Version

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Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 11-03-2012

yall niggas need to quit fighting about dumb shit

wood houses DONT last as long as brick and mortar and stone houses

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-03-2012

-wasn't fighting

And if I were, B6 was built on hate and fighting so :p

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 11-03-2012


Re: Hurricane Sandy - Enigma - 11-03-2012

[Image: 384193_404826126252382_485136442_n.jpg]


i didn't read the thread. but this last page made me think of this. :)

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-03-2012

broken :(

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 11-03-2012


Re: Hurricane Sandy - Stoopid Dog - 11-03-2012


Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 11-03-2012

It's still an over-generalization. We have POWER OUTAGES. Our houses didn't all fall apart. That's just beach bungalow n shit. Yeah, those are built like shit, because they're usually people's second houses.

And you are Euros. It's all the same shit, really. Muslims.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - tdot - 11-04-2012

-caught some of the storm
-doesnt live by water

sooooo canada ftw

Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 11-04-2012

tdot Wrote:-caught some of the storm
-doesnt live by water

sooooo canada ftw
I like Canada. Look, just a year and a half ago everyone in NJ was like, "Stupid New Orleans, why would you live there when you know this [Katrina] could happen." And now look. Moral of the story is the earth can crack open and swallow you whole no matter where you live, so respect it and don't be a dick to other people when bad shit happens to them.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-04-2012

-lives by water
-loves it
-would run the risk of flooding every 50 years or so to do so
-got flooded
-still sucks regardless

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-04-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:It's still an over generalization-. We have POWER OUTAGES. Our houses didn't all fall apart. That's just beach bungalow n shit. Yeah, those are built like shit, because they're usually people's second houses.

And you are Euros. It's all the same shit, really. Muslims.
There was no generalization , the words "some" and "a lot of" were used when talking about unfit housing. clearly the opposite of a generalization on all housing.
Learn some reading comprehension you dumb cunt.

You might need to move to a "euro trash" nation for that though. Clearly the Amerrrikkuhhh education system is not working out well for you.
You are not fit to clean the turban of a Muslim. Those cunts at least know the direction of Mecca. You know jack shit outside of your own border and hardly a thing before it.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 11-04-2012

bajaja @ all this

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 11-04-2012

LuckyNumbrXIII Wrote:Moral of the story is the earth can crack open and swallow you whole no matter where you live,

wish the earth would crack open and swallow you whole.


Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-04-2012

Theres some members on here I wish I could personally crack open and swallow whole, bajajaj

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-04-2012

OddBallFreak Wrote:Theres some members on here I wish I could personally crack open and swallow whole, bajajaj

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
i could cum in your mouth if you like.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 11-04-2012

Paullehh Wrote:
OddBallFreak Wrote:Theres some members on here I wish I could personally crack open and swallow whole, bajajaj

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]
i could cum in your mouth if you like.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-04-2012

I was only kidding guys...

or was i?!? =o

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 11-04-2012

Paullehh Wrote:i could cum in your mouth if you like.

dude, have you seen her teeth.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 11-04-2012

i have.... in person..... its been a while but i dont remember anything wrong with them....

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-04-2012

I think he's referring to her avatar?
Don't think i would stick my junk in there.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Enigma - 11-04-2012

-would stick my junk in there.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - LuckyNumbrXIII - 11-04-2012

You know what fuck all of ya. For real. Like, you're so fucking corny and up each other's asses it makes me want to wretch.

And don't fucking look me up and invite me back anymore.

And N-do, if you already shipped that Hallowicked CD, I ain't paying you for it. Fuck you charge it to the game. Later, OGs.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Stoopid Dog - 11-04-2012

Whoa wait a

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Enigma - 11-04-2012

i was thinking the same

Re: Hurricane Sandy - OddBallFreak - 11-04-2012

It was all a ploy to get that damn c.d....

Re: Hurricane Sandy - tdot - 11-04-2012

he's butt hurt, he'll be back... they always come back

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Stoopid Dog - 11-04-2012

No offense to everybody but Pickelz was half the reason I stuck around, for once there was some intellegence being posted. Iunno....

Re: Hurricane Sandy - tdot - 11-04-2012

yea, im going to agree with that. he kinda made me think... that doesnt happen much

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Stoopid Dog - 11-04-2012

Ya, I know I do random pointless posts but I agreed with him thats why I been on some stupid shit. But Picklez > The UK or Euro crew....canada too. fuck you tdot. jew bastid.

Re: Hurricane Sandy - tdot - 11-04-2012

-isn't jewish

bastid yes

Re: Hurricane Sandy - sTr - 11-04-2012

you're all fags

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Ms Felony - 11-05-2012

USER RESIGNED Wrote:No offense to everybody but Pickelz was half the reason I stuck around, for once there was some intellegence being posted. Iunno....

really, where?

Re: Hurricane Sandy - Paullehh - 11-05-2012

bajaj what a pussy.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ] [Image: mobile.png]

Re: Hurricane Sandy - juggalogigolo - 11-05-2012

i dont even understand wtf he was so damn but hurt about that he left, or why he seemed to rage on the people from outside the US.